Funny hair issues

I had some interesing issues with two types of hairstyles.

Sara hair (both gen 3 and 8)

Low Ponytail (both Gen 3 and gen 8)

I ahd purchased the Sara hair a year or so ago and when I go to render the hair would not render but would come in all white. I stopped using it as tech support could never resolve the issue. 

Recently I purchased Low Ponytail and I'll be damned the same issue cropped up. One day just fooling around  I loaded the hair and decided to use a color off the Jolina hair product materials and voolah! the render worked. I then tried it with Sara hair but used a Jolina color (or Georgia hair color) and it rendered. So I figured I can live with this inconvinience so I just use go on loading these two hair and using the Jolina color. It seems like a pain sometimes but I figure what the hell? Just roll with it. Anyone else experience this with certain styles? BTW I render in 3 Delight as my Iray stopped working two years ago...

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