Geometry is deformed when the animation loads

Anyone know why this weird face deformation is happening when I apply the animation?

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Anyone know why this weird face deformation is happening when I apply the animation?
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this animation is the manekin retarget? or you are exporting from daz? if you are retargeting then check if you skeleton retarget options is properly setup, you must have almost all bones to "skeleton" and have root ad pelvis or hip and lower spine to be "animation" everything else must be skeleton.
Usually something like this means the retargetting on the skeleton ended up wrong somehow. The easiet fix seems to be to get a fresh copy of the skeleton asset. Make sure to back up you project first and you can find the assets here:
Thank you for showing me this, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with these assets. What's more, these say genesis 3 female. Are there ones for G3 Male along with G8 M and F?
Incidentally, I got this message that showed up when I ran it the first time. Not sure what it means.
ignore the message
I was having your deformity issue too.
the problem is you need to load the retargeting preset option for the genesis 3 or 8 skeleton but you won't see it unless you have a second browser open with the game engine content listed.
also the pose preset.
it sets everything recursively to skeleton with the root, hip, pelvis and lower abdomen set to animation.
you also need that second content browser open to enable the mannequin to see the DAZ skeleton when retargeting animations from the Blueprint.
to fix this error, you must export any character to unreal without using the bridge, just export a character to unreal, then when the "menu export window appear you must mark the option "use t0 pose as reference in this window.
this is a basic error from unreal, it's just means which those bones are not proper recognized and need the t0 pose reference to try to recognize then.
Those unweighted bone messages are normal. I add some ik bones that some people need automatically, but because none of hte geometry is weighted to them they cause a warning.
Here's a more detailed explaination of getting a fresh skeleton asset into your plugin.
If you're having trouble finding the assets while in the editor:
Manually retargeting the hip and root bones instead of using automap appears to have resolved the "baby legs" animation issue after duplicating the animation blueprint.
A way you can maybe fix this issue would be in the next update, when importing to unreal(don't know the process your pluging use) you make sure the option of use t0 pose as reference is marked, it will remove this error.
Right, you don't actually want to hit automap on the Genesis skeletons. They already have a mapping. I think the tutorial is being updated.
If you go to Project Settings -> Plugins -> Daz To Unreal Settings there's a checkbox named Frame Zero Is Reference Pose that will make the plugin set that. I haven't tested it enough yet to know if it should be the default.
one weird thing which i found when "exporting some "not common stuffs", was which when exporting some stuffs which somehow can generate a "duplicate" material when using your pluging the "duplicated materail is not proper loaded, for exemple when adding the "centaur8 part to a character, for some misteryous and weird reason it have "2 meshes", the horse part have 2 meshes, one "impossible to edit which is just the "horse part and a second one which you can edit which come with both "human and orse part in a single mesh, when you export to unreal, one of "those meshes" is exported "blank" without material even if you get a message saying which the "duplicated material was renamed it is not added, to the mesh, like if you "export in the normal way" while the "same process" happen it actually apply the "renamed material" to the duplicated mesh",
would be good if you have it take a look, i found it's really weird how some of those geografity elements are applied, basically in some cases they create a "full copy" of the model with only missing the "element" they not just add the "missing element" and remove the "part" it was placed, it make some weird transfers like a character having a "second skin"Blank poke throught the real skin.
Another thing which i do feel is missing is a Unreal "pose reference for genesis 3, you have only a pose for genesis 8 but if you try to use that it don't work on genesis 3.
this is where my iClone pipeline is better, geografts work there and export to Unreal fine
here a image:
but you still get the "duplicated" mesh it just get the "material being applied, but i do feel it being a issue the fact which the "centaur" have 2 meshes and i can't find a way to remove one of then, when trying to edit you can have only acess to only and if you delete this one you delete all.
I would if using the geoshell
not the geograft
I find other solutions in Gimp using the textures for iClone too
the geoshell is there to add an opacity transition between the torso and horse, I just blend those map in Gimp for a new texture
Do you have bigger screenshots or could you tell me what you pressed? I'm having issues with the legs bending strangley as well.
that is the funny part, lol, i'm already removed the geoshell, somehow if i also add the geshell then i will ending having 3 "horse meshes" 2 from the gregraft and one from the geoshell, i don't know why but for some reason the "geograft is "generating 2 meshes" when exporting, one being just the "horse part and anoher being the full centaur(horse+human torso), due to the "human torso being invisble it get deleted during the transfer however the horse not got deleted and i'm ending having 2 horses parts one over the othe without the geoshell, and i would love if you can make a small tutorial about how you fix that opacity part which in the past also give me trouble with centaur 7, i would love to know how to proper fix the gap between human and horse texture transition.
I have not actually tried it in Unreal just iClone
I just use the textures provided imported as layers and the erase brush set to about 50% and a fuzzy brush to rub out the top layer so it blends
flatten image and export a new one
you need to do it for every torso texture though
horse one underneath, is not perfect as UV's different
the geoshell transmap gives you an idea where to line up the horse texture underneath
to get it exact I would need to use Zbrush Zprojection or Ultimate Unwrap 3D repaint
Geoshells don't work yet. Geografts should though. There's an extra step needed to hide the geometry.
I'll try to give the centaur a test this weekend.
yeah i've made some tests with geografts and indeed it generate 2 meshes not just one, you have the "main mesh and a secondary to maybe make the "transition between "the geograft and the regular mesh more "normal" at last on genesis 3 and 8, ive tested it with a genitaly and i got the same result as centaur, when using the pluging it only "allow one of the meshes" to have the material and remove the second one from the "extra" mesh", we need to find a way to be able to "edit the second mesh" and then "making it invisible to remove it before exporting to unreal, that would be the "bestway to work." with it.
hate to say it
Use Iclone 3Dxchange
you tried to follow this tutorial?
it's seens related to bad "pose", when retargeting a animation the daz character and the animation character must be on the same pose as much as possible, another problem is also stufs like high heels, boots and in general pose feet,which i'v talked in the post too.
make sure both characters are making the same pose
make sure both characters are using humanoid in the rig
make sure all bones except root and hip and maybe also the abdomenlower to be skeleton
try to set the abdomenlower to also be skeleton instead of animation sometimes it need to be skeleton too others animation.
also check of each bone is proper maped in the bones map check if you don't have any wrong bone maped.