YAY!!! Thank you!

UpL8RenderingUpL8Rendering Posts: 129
edited August 2020 in Unreal Discussion

Thank you Daz and David for the plugin/bridge!
Thank you for the new Unreal forum channel!
Thank you mods for moving all the UE related threads over too. That is a really nice touch and is very much appreciated.

Post edited by UpL8Rendering on


  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    yeah really good news, now to everything be "perfect and daz start to shine would be daz get some of they "PA"(the ones more "game friendly), and make a team to release "game friendly stuffs, i means maybe a part of the store with "game specific stuffs" which i means "low poly stuff, i means under the 100k numbers, no fibermesh or dforce hair or fur and stuffs, like that, have some of the pas which already somehow "work making stuffs "with moderate poly count, under 100k, and making then focus more on make more "game friendly stuffs" still being under the 100k don't need to go full down, but working with game design in mind then making "hairs more game friendly" and outfits or scenes props, that would be really very good to see, if the market gained something like that would be really perfect for me., specially for hairs.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723


    It is amazing - what a great possibilities has just opened.


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