Adding a quick backdrop to a render

I asked this question recently, in response to another thread.  Unfortunately I can't find that thread now to see if anyone responded.  I apologize in advance for the repeat question.

I just upgraded to a new iMac on Catalina, not sure if that has anything to do with the issue or not.

Before, if I wanted to add a backdrop I would select Backdrop from the drop down menu in the Environment pane, then choose browse to select the image I want to use.  However, when I do that now, I can see all the files but they are all greyed out, and I can't select them. 

Am I missing a step? 


  • Which version of Daz Studio is this? Help>About Daz Studio

  • Sorry - should have mentioned that. 

  • There are fixes for at least some of the Catalina issues in the newer, current version of DS. However, be aware - if you do animations - that scenes are dropping keyframes, saving a pose/shaping preset seems to be the only current workaround.

  • OK thanks - thought I had the latest version.  I'll check and see if I do.

    I don't do animations, so that won't be an issue :-)

  • That's what it was.  I downloaded an update and all is good now.

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