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Okay, and if he doesn't, I guess I'll find a tree, a good rope and see if he combination of me, the rope and the tree solve my problem.
Okay, I'm very new to animation myself but I can help a bit I hope. For me to get useful keyframes out of daz for items like hair I moved to KeyMate and GraphMate by Gofigure. The combo of both has given me the total control that the DS timeline was just lacking. Trying to keyframe Each movement needed on just the DS timeline was too hard for me.
I think I got a bit overexcited for my xmas gifts and I'm left without the opportunity to actually buy anything more :/
I'll check and recheck the forum, as well as google, but there's too little about that subject around :/
Try asking in this Forum, many great Animators in it. They would know much more than us here.
I read through the thread before asking this, I promise!
I'm seriously new to this whole 3D thing so please bear with me.
I'm using the Genesis figure to figure out posing. What I don't understand is how to handle collisions.
Example - I would like to place her hand on her hip. I end up putting her hand through her hip which is just creepy.
Anyone able to point me in the right direction for learning how to do things like this?
You can not Colloide Genesis against itself, only other items (meshes). Select your Perspective camera and the Hand in question then Zoom in and POSE the hand and arm by hand as needed. We all must do it this way. Or you can Create a new Camera and use it to adjust your posing as you need.
I hope this helps even if it's not what you wished to learn.
I asked how to do the posing without collisions. You answered that I need to get better at DAZ. :D
I appreciate knowing that I'm not missing something obvious.
I don't know if it helps you but when I need to pose something like frigging hands (I hate when I have to pose hands) I scale the subject 600% its size, zoom on the hand's finger I want to pose, pose it, and then scale back to 100%, it makes it easier to actually see what you're doing with precision.
This appears to be a good place to mention that there are some new [and atm free] video tutorials available:
About 11 of them :-) A couple of the more advanced ones are on sale too. <= This one just perfectly answered the need I had for animation!</p>
It demonstrate perfectly the problem I had and solved it! Thank you very much !
Ok still trying to figure all of this out.... I have D|S 4.5 Hexagon 2.5, and Bryce7.1 (all the free programs, I don't have alot of room in my budget for new hobbies) I have some purchased content which all works wonderfully. However; I am finding that most of the content available does not match my style. SO the obvious answer is to utilize the other software and make my own content ;) I have somewhat succeeded in this endeavor I have several models that I believe are pretty good (considering I only started the whole 3D thing a month ago).
The issue I am having is that I can't get genesis figure in D|S to hold the objects, I made a nice fantasy sword and want Genesis to hold it like the figure does with the Katana that came with the programs. I am just lost, transfer utility marries the sword to genesis at the torso, I have tried changing the parent to the hand but again no luck.???? I am lost can you please HELP :(
Keep the sword as a normal prop item. After loading, place it in the hand as desired and carefully wrap the fingers around it. Then "parent" the sword in the hand. Then be careful to select the hand [or the body] for posing. Do not select the sword unless you want to move it out of the hand.
If you can find in the forums "Power Pose for Genesis", that will help alot for posing the figure. [it's a free script]
edit: Found the link:
The next page also has a tut for how to make these for other figures too :-)
Added to what Patience55 said there is no subsitute for using the perspective camera and the framing button and time with posing the hand and fingers yourself.
Here is another tip for you to make things much easier in the future when you wish to use your prop again.
1. Load a default Genesis into your viewport. Do not move it leave it at the default T pose and location.
2. Load your prop and position it so that it is in the proper position to have the hand posed around it (holding it)
3. Parent the prop to the hand, you can now pose the hand and tweak the item until it looks correct in the T pose.
4. Once the hand and item are both posed properly do this. Save as Scene File just to have this saved for a backup.
5. Now select the item in the Scene Tab. then Save As>Support Assect>Figure/Prop Assect.. I would save it too
. the same folder as your load icon for the item, also have that section open in your Content Library View.
6. Once that is done do Save As>Pose Preset Pick where you wish the pose file to save.
7. A menu will open, unselect all, expand to the hand select the hand and save.
You now have a Load icon for your item that will load it in place and Parent it to your Genesis or other figure.
You also have the Hand pose to make the hand pose around the item. You can now pose your figure as you like
and all should work properly as the other Smart items do. You could even put premade poses on the figure then use
the hand pose to fix the hand again. I hope this helps.
Thank you all so much for the help... I really am liking the things I can do with this software. I had given up on the thought of creating beautiful images when I started working and this helps me rekindle the artistic side of me. Once I have a ready render I will post it on this thread so you guys can see what you helped to create. :) Thank you again so very much
You could also make a new thread in the Art Studio section of the forum and start posting your images there and you could also ask for feedback (that is ok if you have a thick skin and don't mind your images torns to bits) :)
@Jaderail Thank you so much for your advice, You saved me time with redoing the pose every time D|S conked out on me.
@Szark I Have a thick skin but am not sure I am ready to be criticized just yet
Anyway This is the image I was working on, It's pretty simple but its an image that's been in my head and that's what this hobby is all about right?
Anyway the details:
Angel =
Genesis Shaped:
Basic Female 1.00
Victoria 5 1.00
Victoria 5 supermodel 1.00
Voluptuous 0.43
Bodybuilder 0.20
Bodybuilder Details 0.30
Gregorian Hair
Top By Me
Textured with:
Olympus imaging Lace Texture
Unknown author Silk texture
Epic Wings
Hand Posed
Magus Shorts
Sword by Me
16281976-lots-of-snowflakes-on-glass- abstract-winter-texture-background
Female Kneeling 01 (Modified)
Victim =
Genesis Shaped:
Michael 5
JS Boots
JS Pants
M5 Laid Back
Y Rotate 180
Lights Used:
One Distant Light
One point light
one Linear point light
I hope that you all like it and don't think to lowly of my poor modeling and 3d'ing skills
I say turn shadows on in your light and your way ready for prime time.
Ok.... I didn't even know that was possible let alone how to do it.... LOL Still learning
Select your Light, open the Prameters Tab, And learn lights my friend. Best to play and see. Play with every version while you at it.
Ill do that, thank you... I have read alot on these forums and you seem to be the one with the know how so Kudos to you, and thank you again.... who knows maybe one day Ill actually get good enough to have daz sell my stuff to ( bit of a dream LOL)
@ Jaderail Wow that is an intense difference in the image, Thank you so very much. It is truly wonderful to get some of these images out of my head and into a form where others can see and share them. Thank you again.8-)
Hello !
Back for a lesson teacher!
I have this problem when I bake my sky dome: Images keeps on optimizing for some unknown reason, right now, (4 hours later) it's at 4000+/395
I'm at loss of what's going on ^^'.
Think this fits here. Is it an easy way to change the center of rotation for objects?
Found nothing in hexagon, it just reset it to object center.
The pivot point can be moved using the Joint Editor tool. We used to have to use a script by DeltaZ15 to do that, but it quite easy with the Jont Editor.
Select the item that you need ot move the pivot point on in the Scene pane, click on the Joint Editor tool (Alt+Shift+J) and you should see the axis marker, Move it to where you want the item to pivot.
See if that works for you.
I'm trying to bake it because when I click on "render" it optimize images like forever and never gets to the rendering part. I let it run for about 10 hours straight and it still didn't advanced to the render part :/
I guessed backing it would perhaps help and solve this "forever optimization" :/
Odd, something is not right. If its Opting for that long. I have seen another thread about this in the past. I will try to find some info for you. Is the Opt problem with all images?
Since it just says "opting X/X" and not the name of image, and since he actually opts more images than I use in my scene.. I can't answer that, sorry.