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If you bake the keys it shoudl export the animation.
my materials are usually as simple as possible
the iray uber one you created and is populated by export is pretty cool but honestly with my limited hardware my 3DX6 FBX exports with reduced as well as less maps are a lot less demanding, I set my lighting to medium too never Epic!
I am certainly liking the plugin for the more realistic DAZ player but my extras for my videos will probably still be also iClone6 & CC2 (I am behind), Mixamo, Fuse and Anima folk I cannot even do via D|S anway.
for rendering detailed animated DAZ people though it will rock
I could not install the UE bridge from DIM, because I have installed Unreal Engine on different drive than C:
When I have put manually from the unzipped folder plugins in the proper places,
plugin for Daz Studio (just one .dll file) in its plugin folder
and folder with UE plugin in designated place for UE plugins,
all works as expected.
There's many different ways to setup a render pipeline. Games get even more complicated. There's always going to be people who have a different method they prefer and there's nothing wrong with that :)
If you already have your own Unreal materials you like, you can setup named parameters in them and attach them to the plugin. Then it will use your materials during the transfer.
hmmm something seens to be not working, it's not sending anything to unreal, i'm clicking in the send buttom, then it start to save the character to the temporary daz folder, but nothing happen after that my unreal get nothing
hmmm after made some tests it's seens which it only working when i install the daz from epic library, the instalation from DIM is not working for me.
DIM is experiencing issues populating with newly purchased stuff not downloaded
and I ended up manually moving it when I did get it
hmm it's bad, i had to "rollback" to my previous instalation from the epic to have it working back.
what would be another way to download and install it?
at the moment until they fix DIM I don't think you can
ok no problem i still have the epic version working fine.
I probably could simplify it in DAZ studio too before export
yes know can replace the DAZ uber base you set up
it's lovely but even in D|S I use Scene optimiser for iray and dump all my bump, normal and displacement maps became I have crappy hardware
this is nothing to do with your materials though just UE4 materials in general I cannot figure out how to do UV based displacement, world shifts it all not outwardly.
D|S and iClone (Carrara and Poser too) just a white texture will do it preferably in the garment UV shape like a transmap
The version from the Epic Marketplace has a different filename than the version from the Daz Marketplace and the Epic one seems to prevent the Daz one from loading. By default, the old one is at C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\DazToUnreal.dll
Also, you need to match up the Daz and Unreal side plugins. There's a couple incompatibilities between what's on the Epic Marketplace and the Daz Marketplace currently. I still need to pull some changes back.
well then what i need to make to have everything work? i must uninstall the epic one to try to instal the DIM one?, what would be the proper way to download because also it's seens which the DIM version is not downloading proper too, currently if i do want to install the one from daz what would be the proper process? coming from the old version of the epic?
You need to remove the one from the Epic store, then install the one from the Daz Marketplace.
hmm this one i instal from DIM or Daz central?
I used Daz Central, but you need to make sure your DIM is up to date also.
ok i've removed the "epic version then instaled the Daz it don't even ask me the "path" it "auto install" but nothing happening.
and compared with the epic version i feel this version looks "smaller" because when i look it says which have only 2mega to instal and is almost auto the install while in epic it take a little and the "daz to unreal icon don't appear in the unreal menu editor.
edit: it's feel like the "dim or daz central is failing to load the full package or os trying to install a corrupted one because nothing is happening, for exemple while it appear which the "pluging was instaled in unreal the icon of it among the others in the main menus is not appearing and also in the daz the option to "send to unreal is on the "edit" not in file, it's really something is very messed here.
ok since both plugings (daz and epic) are the same and epic is just a "more new version" any chance to you to update the epic version which seens to be the only one to "proper working for me.
yeah after some tests really seens which neither daz central or DIM are actually full download the pluging and only download a "little part of it and instal that part missing content, i will go back using the old version for now, it's really feel like the "pluging package is broken and only instaling "little pieces of it, not the full plugging, because it's only download 2mega in the DIM while the Daz central claims it have 5 mega but it is using the DIM to download and "not installing" it's only download and not install and only download 2mega making it's looks like the pluging is broken.
it's not "instaling neither in daz or unreal, the only 'transfer appearing in my daz is from my "old version" the new version is not appearing.
Great product but is there any way that an actual how to video can be made
The youtube instruction video released has nothing in common with the actually product.
No skeleton
The system says the skeleton must be saved yet the video never mentions that or even says how to do it
This looks like a great product but as of now it is easier to do things the old way than it is to try to figure out how to get this to work, which is really a shame
1. Open daz select Micheal 8
2. Select Micheal 8 scene listing, go to File -> send to -> unreal (note some instructions say this should be in edit but it is in file)
3. Epic project now has a daz folder with a naked micheal 8 charact, not even hair was put on
inside are 2 folders
1. animations - empty
2. Micheal * which has physics , micheal 8 and animation along with materal and texture folders
4. Video says chose skeleton from this folder but it is not there so
Select micheal 8 and in that pop up box I select skeleton from there
4a. make sure humaniod is selected and push save
Asked what to save it as (video instructions does not cover this) overright the defualt file Bonemap
5. Go to thridpersonanimation in UE content and select retarget
5a skeleton does not show unless checkbos (only show compatitable skeletons) is unchecked
6. Retarget button selected
7. Go back into game change default charact to micheal and make sure the new animation set is chosen
8. hit play character will move abotu screne but stays in t-pose not walking or any animations
I think you hit the save button next to the Humanoid Rig for saving a bone mapping. To save the skeleton you need to click the save button at the top of the window.
any chance to look at my issue?
A user Demongirl helped me solve the issue
Like I said its a great option and much better than the old way of doing it.
I hope Daz gave the makers a good deal when they bought it
in another thread I explain also to someone else you need a second browser window open (just open a second content browser) that has the skeleton asset which is in the game engine plugin folder (under C programs Epic etc) for it to see it as an option
clicking on browse to asset when in the skeleton tab will show make the active content folder this folder
and then mannequin can see it too retargeting animations
somehow i found how to fix, and it's seens to be working fine now.
I'm having the same problem...
Did you find a fix?
I tried to explain
you need a second browser with C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Plugins\DazToUnreal\Content open in it for it to see the skeleton and retargeting options
once you have done one of each generation it does all the subsequent ones, I am adding different animations to each I send over to build up a collection
one question though
do I need to keep all those dtu associated file sets ie FBX etc in documents or just the textures?
can I move them all to my project folder instead?
you means the temporary folder???? where the fbx is send before get imported inside unreal?, if yes then you can delete then, in some cases you could need first close unreal (saving it before ofcourse), because in some cases like when you just imported inside unreal that "old still in the memory system" then you get a error saying which you can't delete it, then to be able to delete you must close unreal to "clean the memory system" and be able to delete.
oh good
was worried it referenced the textures at least, mind you if it did I could resize them which I wish I had done