Issues with Spidertech Outfit Sku# 65791

Hello All,
This week I had purchased the Spidertech Outfit for Genesis 8 Female here:
I have noticed a number of problems with this outfit, but two main issues stand out. The first problem is that none of the morph controls work on the skirt for the outfit. There are a bunch of controls listed, but not a single one works.
The next issue I am having is with the spider arms. There doesn't seem to be any positioning controls save for the standard XYZ ones. Using them causes the arms to separate. This makes the arms unusable.
At this particular point in time, I am ready to return this item, but before I go hollaring that it is defective, I figured I would check here with others that may have this outfit and perhaps it is something I am doing wrong, but I doubt it.
Thank you,
Well, i can verify it's borked.
I'll confirm that none of the skirt morphs work at all.
The dforce aspect does though.
try submitting a ticket, i'll toss one in on my end, might get some response if there's more than one of us reporting it.
As to the arm issue, i wasn't getting a "seperation" issue, unless you mean detaching from the back when just grabbing a joint and moving it around in the viewport.
I wouldn't say they are "unuseable" they just need some patience to use.
There's a few figures where there are no pose controls, and they require complete manual movement of the appendages, such as the lg80 spider mech.
Bump post removed
Yes, dForce works, but the problem is that there is heavy poke through in the buttocks area BEFORE using dForce. And naturally attempting to expand the skirt can't be done because the controls don't work.
Yes, I have done that.
Not only does it detach from the back, but every single joint. Highlight an arm section and then use the pivoting controls and you will see what I mean. The arms shouldn't separate like that.
Since the hinges don't work properly, I don't consider it very usable.
I am fine with that if there are no pose controls, but when you grab a section and manipulate it, it shouldn't separate at the hinges.
Thge move the limbs select the balljoint between the limb parts and not the limb its self and use the rotation controls
I tried that, but it selects the whole limb and trying to rotate it results it in the hinges separating.
Try expanding the limb in the scene tab and selecting the joint node from there and see if that helps as it sounds like something is preventing you from slecting a single bone
The joint and the arm are one bone, they are not separated even when I expand the limb. There are bones, but no nodes for the individual joints. Please see attached:
If you note on the right side, the left hand arms are expanded fully with all the arrows down. There are only bones, no nodes. So something fishy is going on here.
Unfortuantely i wasn't able to replicate this issue at all, no matter if i was manipulating it via xyz rotation controls in parameters tab, the pose tool, or just grabbing a particular arm segment.
Could you post a screen shot of what it looks like when this happens.
You need to select any of the bones that has a number after it and use the rotation controls
I've uploaded a quick video showing how to move each part of a limb to my dropbox as it won't upload to the forum, you can get the video HERE
You need to select any of the bones that has a number after it and use the rotation controls
Double Post, Please ingore this one - Sorry
Hello All,
I know it has been a while since I posted here last and that was mainly because I was fed up with this issue. At any rate, having more time today, I figured I would post my findings. I did EXACTLY as you said, and the joints STILL separated. Here is a photo showing this:
As of now, it is a moot point as I returned the item. It clearly is a defect as I NEVER had to use the rotational control to postion joints before on other products. Given that the skirt controls weren't working either, I just chalked it up as a bum product. It is a shame too because the artist did a fantastic job on it visually and artistically, but sadly, he/she didn't take the proper time to make sure that it was mechanically sound and worked to standard. Don't ask me how or why you are able to get it to work, I can't. Perhaps we are on different versions of Daz. I am using 4.12
Thanks for the help anyway. I am hoping that, in the future, the artist fixes the problem, and or someone else comes out with a better one.