Where is my own content Lib saved?

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

Hi, where can I find thise Lib on my PC:

I think I need to move soon ALL of my content to a new SSD ;( because my 1TB is kinda full O_O.... (only with daz3d and maybe 1-2 Games ~50GB)

Last time I installed daz3d I had to create those Lib again from 0.

Also I wanna copy the folders (creating a wardrobe which I will fill, so I can simply look there if I need underpants, socks etc..)

I checked &appdata&, progframms->daz3d, I checked the "MyLibrary" Folder but I could not find anywhere anything with "Hosen" (a Sub category I created) .



  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,551

    What you have there are Custom Categories, part of what would qualify as User Data. It is stored in the database, not in separate files and folders like the actual products. You can export the User Data from Content DB Maintenance (right-click on the Content Library tab -> Content DB Maintenance -> Export User Data). It can be restored with the Re-Import Metadata option.

    However, this shouldn't be necessary if you keep the same relative path for the re-located library, even if on another drive. File references will be relative to the library's root folder, so it should be totally transparent.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    uhm... I made the export thing and... then it was done, but no popup which asked me to select where I wanna save it :(

    THe software is not really userfriendly -_-

    So i have to ask again the community (you north ^_^) where is my export now? :/

    and, well my last PC was on all saved on D:/ and I recreated D:/ again, but however my own content Lib was no longer there :(

    And is it possible to manage the folders somehow? I wanna create a male/female version without creating all folders again just copy them (they are still empty).

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,551

    The User Data goes in the library's Runtime\Support folder, together with all the product metadata files (all are .dsx extension). Your data will be named UserData_1.dsx, UserData_2.dsx, etc., depending on how much customization you have done. It would be good practice to export it often, and back it up to another disk and/or a cloud-based system. It is in xml format, and is easier to read with an xml editor or plugin for a text editor. You can see what has been exported, but it quite dull to go through. You get the idea pretty quick.

    The database stores all the metadata, and associates it with the content library. Unless the database itself was cleared or moved, it should be able to locate the content after it has been relocated and the path in the Content Directory Manager updated (if needed).

    Re-importing the metadata (Vendor data (the support .dsx files that come with the product) and User data) should restore the database as it was. This is usually done after resetting the database to start over. It is a destructive operation (no undo), and is usually only necessary if it gets corrupted or lost or otherwise unusable.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited August 2020

    Yeah found the file and I use Notepad++

    I wish the folders from my own "Lib" would also be visible as folders somewhere so I can easy edit it :(

    The file is extreme big :O (in signs).

    I expected it shows ONLY the custom created folders with my own sorted Libs.

    Would be too crazy to make there edits, its over 42.000 Lines.



    Post edited by Loony on
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