Best way to ascertain correct focal length?

Is there a simple method for ascertaining the correct focal length when using DOF, ie that doesn't involve a series of tweaks and test renders, or calculating some derivation of the XYZ co-ords of camera and object (which has to be recalculated every time the camera moves)?
Even better would be something that updated camera focal distance to maintain focus on a target object/null as the camera moved.
Just as good would be the capability to render/export z-depth map to drive a blur in photoshop or after effects. But I might start another topic on that.
It is easy - with using a second camera to see the guides
Edited to add Z-Depth tutorial
...for automatically updating the focal distance and following the target, use the 'point at' feature in the Cameras Tab, Editor/General.
"..for automatically updating the focal distance and following the target, use the ‘point at’ feature in the Cameras Tab, Editor/General."
That doesn't seem to lock the focus to the point at target.
Aha, I wasn't aware of the DOF guide planes, that's a big help thanks.
The Atmospheric Camera Set by AgeOfArmor has a Z depth version included in them.
I learned DOF of daz studio, by maclean tutoriall,,:red:
Then I usually lock Focal length of Camera, in parameter tab for each render first,,
next in 3d view, on view controll tool,
Drag Lmb zoom out in, pan, orbit etc, then decide Camera Frame. (with keep the focal length value)
after that I select target node by node selection tool, (or surface tab is useful to target the selection too)
and RMB (Aim) click. on frame icon. (spuare + cross icon) of veiw controll tool.
it auto adjust Focal Distance for the target,,,but locate target in center of camera Frame too.
select Camera , and in parameter tab, (or cameras pane) copy the current "Focal distance" value.
then Ctrl + Z (or from top menu Edit>undo( aim at selection).
it return Cmaera positon and angle, which I cecide before.
And I paste the "Focal distance" which copied, of Camera.
It set Focal distance correclty for the target, keep current Camera postion, and angle.
after that tweak F stop . in another view (perspective ), then dicide camera blur effect range,,,
I do not know it is correct way,, but I think it usually work as I expected @@;
Lol, what a hazzle.
I would love a function "Focus At" (followed by a mouse click in the scene) like the "Point At" thingie then.
Point At does set the focal distance.
Can you make a tutorial? I wasn't able to follow you in any step ...
For me, changing a camera's "Point at" target has no affect whatsoever on the camera's focal distance setting.
Easy way is go to a wide view (perspective/top view) and animate focal lenght and distance looking at the camera 'projection lines'.