Importing Camera data INTO Daz Studio

Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

I'm trying to get Camera, or rather it's motion info that I could parent a camera to, into Daz from Lightwave. I'm able to accurately bring Cam movement info into LW from Daz via FBX, but haven't found the Secret Sauce for going the other way.  Being that there's not much documentation on either end of the process cerainly doesn't help; just cryptic warning messages with no reference when an FBX is imported.

I'm not locked to FBX, just not sure which of the formats available to both would be the best is all, or what options are needed. Doesn't seem to be just a scaling issue, but rotational issues as well.

My goal is to get LW Cam info into Daz, which seems should be a really simple process. I'd then have a shot at using compositing means then to bring some animation things together.  Although I lambast Daz a great deal (& often deservedly so), they do have an incredible instancing system, using proxy geom among other things), that's absolutely unimportable into LW (or other apps it seems) w/o some really serious programming talent that I've yet to find.

The Daz Sun-Sky System isn't something I can replicate yet in LW either, but I can readily cheat that.

Haven't tried the Daz to Blender bridge, mostly as I'm not familiar w/ Blender at all.  But it's definitely been LW friendly in the past. If that might be an easier option, I'm willing to explore.


Post edited by Chohole on


  • Sun2xSun2x Posts: 13
    Hi, just read... I'd got the same problem although I have switched to Houdini. I'need to import a camera animation in Daz in create enviroments and render into it before coming back to Houdini and postprocess in Nuke. But at the moment I can't be able to manage this workflow...
  • if you can manage to get the camera working in blender, exporting it as .dae file and then importing into daz should work. or perhaps there's a way to export as .dae from LW natively, i'm unfamiliar with the program.

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