Wierd new problem with the surface tab.

Hello,  I have a wierd problem.

When I click the base color in the surface tab it no longer takes me to the directory that the base texture lives in, it just takes me to the same folder evey time.

It used to take me to the correct folder, but it doesnt anymore. Also when I click cancel the model I'm working on just goes grey.

Could someone please tell me why it's not working properly anymore?



Screenshot (186).png
2542 x 1360 - 645K
Screenshot (187).png
2560 x 1440 - 911K
Screenshot (189).png
2539 x 1363 - 410K


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,592

    Select a single material zone, like "Face" for example (instead of "Surfaces").

    - Greg


  • Select a single material zone, like "Face" for example (instead of "Surfaces").

    - Greg


    OMG I'm so dumb, thanks lol.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,592

    Select a single material zone, like "Face" for example (instead of "Surfaces").

    - Greg


    OMG I'm so dumb, thanks lol.

    Nah - we've all been there. You were smart to include the screencaps in your initial post showing what was selected, etc. Important thing is you've got it sorted.

    - Greg

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