Denoiser not kicking in today despite it working yesterday with the same scene

AnxaerAnxaer Posts: 12


Today I was rendering the same scene I did yesterday as I made some slight changes in the characters pose. I didn't change any render-settings and didn't add any new assets to the scene. Only the pose of one character changed.

Yesterday, Denoiser was activated and kicked in after iteration 8 without any issues but for some reason it won't do it today. It works in the iRay Preview but not in the final render and I'm really lost, especially because I successfully rendered other pictures from that same scene the past few days and it always worked - now even in those previous scenes the Denoiser won't kick in.

In all my tests I monitored my GPU (1080ti) in gpu-z and I didn't saw any issues. Only about 8 of the 11 GB of VRAM was being used. 

I'm working with DAZ for the past 8 months and never had that issue before. Any ideas what it could be and how to fix it?

Thank you!


My specs:

OS: Windows 10 Pro

Memory: 16GB DDR3

CPU: i7 870 2.93GHz  (I have CPU fallback disabled)

GPU: GTX 1080 ti


Edit: I work with the current live version of DAZ

Post edited by Anxaer on


  • AnxaerAnxaer Posts: 12

    Okay, after restarting my pc for the third time it suddently works again... Would this mean it could be a bug? Would be interested to hear if other people had that issue as well.

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