Daz Studio crashes if I try to connect so can't download... please help

Hi there,
I haven't used DS in a few years so I'm well out of date on my skills now & I don't know how to manually install in DS
I have DC installed which I am logged into & it usually shows up products I have purchased, allowing me to install them into DS.
DS will not let me log in (sort of I think).
It closes every single time I try to connect (have tried with DC open & DC closed) & will not display my uninstalled content.
It asks me to sign in then shuts as soon as I hit enter & keeps the Remember me option greyed out.
I only seem to be able to get it to work offline.
If I click on my account from within DS however it takes me straight there.
I have just purchased Fit Control for Genesis 8 Female.
It is not showing up in DC although the other product I purchased does.
I cannot get it to show up in DS to install it.
What do I do?
I need to get on with my work asap & I need Fit control installed to remove the shrink wrapped chest effect without me having to drag every top in the store into other programs to fix it.
All help gratefully received.
ps what happened to my name?
I've first posted over 15 years ago & it wasn't under the user name that this is posted under.
What security software are you using?
To chnage your username go to https://www.daz3d.com/customer/account/edit/
This is literally a new pos laptop with none on yet.
It has nothing installed except DS & DC.
It's a little HP one with Win 10 installed.
Completely vanilla.
ps Thank you, don't like seeing my real name on the net.
Well, it will have Windows Security Essentials and the Windows Firewall then, assuming the vendor hasn't added something else (full version or trial). Check the Windows Security app, under the Virus and threat Protection section.
I have the same problem. I don't think it's virus protection. I've turned off my virus protection and Daz studio and Install manager still crash. I've used Nortons and mcafee. the same problem I've used my laptop out away from home, so I don't think it's an internet service provider issue either. I think it's my laptop, that's the only thing that's different. Not sure where to look to fix it. I bought my laptop just for the purpose of using Daz studio at work.