V4 Troubles with Symmetry Tool.

Blackbirdx61Blackbirdx61 Posts: 300

I still primarily use V4, most of the time without Trouble, but when I mirror a pose using the Symmetry tool the arms just flail about, scrambled.

It does not matter if I am at world Center, if Vicki is the only asset in the frame, and if I "Bake Transforms" or not; I have to admit I've never noticed anything that would indicate that actually happened. No Message, not change in parameters I have noticed; but it hardly matters. I usually Go Root/Recursive/Mirror Y/Z Rotations, but not always. Mirroring or leaving trunk nodes alone does not seem to help. Selecting everything but the Arms, then doing the Arms does not seem to help. I've read a good many strings in these forums on the Symmetry tool; but not found the key to my problem. 

 So just asking for idea's from anyone with experiance with Vicki 4, in creating Mirrored poses. I expect I am getting something simple wrong but its damn frustrating. I do still use DAZ 4.7 as I do not work in IRAY; but as the symmetrize.dse was written in 2014,  I dont believe thats my issue.



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  • Blackbirdx61Blackbirdx61 Posts: 300
    edited July 2020

    I found some interesting Data. I Jpged my notes below to preserve the formatting.

    Given how the app is misbehaving I thought the script might be corrupted, so I tried reinstalling DAZ 4,7 to no effect; and then removing the symmetrize.dse to force a fresh uncorrupted copy of the script; no-go. I even copied over symmetrize.dse from an "Uninstalled" version of DAZ4.12 that did not work either. And proved uncompatabile just would not fire. So though it seems the script is acting to me like its corrupted its passed every test I can think of to throw at it.

    Post edited by Blackbirdx61 on
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