Can't find "Daz to Blender" Add on in blender

So I tried the new script, but can't seem to find the add on in blender, it appears this issue not only happened to me but most other blender users as well. So this thread is an attempt trying to solve the problem for those who have it.
I followed the offical instruction to the letter -> go in blender perference -> add on -> search "daz to blender" unfortunately none to be found, my blender version 2.83.1 Let's see if any gurus able to get this working and share his experience.
If this works, and it able to flawlessly export all the skeleton, morph, gen, texture, and d-force made props etc, it would be truely an evolatuion in 3D. So far export via Dae file still works, but have to tweak on mostly everything. Very excited, thanks for having this anyway.
Side Note: I'm so glad to see blender's have so much more followers compare to other industry standard tools
I went to DIM and looked where my computer installed the file and then you can take that .zip file and drag it into the install tab of the Blender preferences. Or search your hard drive for DTB_v280-283 and you should be able to find it that way too.
Same Issue Blender 2.83.2
I will try the file search install add-on method. Thanx Bennie for file name.
- No install found at DIMs Path "/Blender Foundation/Blender/DAZ 3D Add-ons/"
- DIM Path " /DAZ 3D/Studio4/RunOnce/Daz to Blender_Install.dsa " does not exsist
- Trying Daz Central DL n Install
- Negative, No Joy.Several uninstalls and reinstalls. No Files found installed. No search results in Blender add-ons.
What happens if you go to your DIM installer, choose the "installed" tab, and right-click on the Daz To Blender field? It should give you an "installed files..." in the context menu, if you clicked that, you see the paths where the files where stored.
Thats exactly what I did. The files didnt install. Those Paths don't exsist / werent created on my system. The .dsa installed, as I have the Bridge Scripts in DS but no Blender add-on installed, or search install option, and no file found manually at those paths to install.
There is also a location where DIM saves the ZIP file before install, it has to be in there.
Sorry, was searching Program Data not App Data.
1. Install from the Install Manager or DAZ Central.
2. In DAZ Studio check the bottom of the Scripts menu tab to verify it installed to Daz.
3. Open Blender
4. In Blender go to EDIT/PREFERENCES/ADD-ONS/INSTALL and make sure to turn off the file filter in the upper right (to show all files)
5. Navigate to the the Script found in C:/Users/"USERNAME"/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/ (*note the current Bridge version is for Blender 2.80-2.83 so you will need to check those previous version folders if not found in your current version (IE 2.84+)
6. Install and check to activate in Blender
7. The plugin is found under View Tab in Blender Shortcut "N"
=========================== EDITED UPDATE 04/14/21 ========================================
1. Download and Install lastest Blender Version from (2.92 at the time of this post)
2. Purchase/Claim the "Daz to Blender Bridge" script from the DAZ3D Store. (You probly did that if you're here)
3. Download and Install the Daz to Blender script through either DIM (DAZ Install Manager) OR DAZ Central.
4. Open Daz Studio and under the Scripts Menu at the bottom you should see Bridges>Blender>(Daz to Blender, Daz to Blender: Genital, and Daz to Blender: Morph Exporter)
- If you do then your good so far Its installed on Daz.
Now the tricky part especially if you are new to blender.
5. Open Blender and go to the MENU / EDIT / PREFERENCES / ADD ONS /
- 5a Make sure you have Community Addons filter enabled at the top
- 5b Then search for DAZ at the top right
- 5c Check... literally check... that "Armature: DaztoBlender" is enabled. (Current Version
6. Use "N" in Blenders viewport to open the Navigation Pane to get to the DaztoBlender Tab.
Glad you found it, for me it was also a bit of a search
It is a bit of a pain to find on the Mac too, but the find command really helps.
Hello! I am new to Daz and Blender. Can someone please explain how to install the Bridge in Blender on a Mac. I have it installed in Daz but can't find the file when I go to Blender...Edit...Preferences...Add-Ons...Install. I'm lost from there. Thanks!
Hi there
Im on pc but finding it hard to find the zip file, looked at the messages above and cant find it under the app rdata roaming blender section and i cant see it being dowmloaded from the instalation manager.
If any one has suggestions that would be super helpful!
Many thanks
You need to .zip the "DTB" (Folder) as, then you can install the addon from Blender. It work for me :)
I just had to install in manually to Blender by opening the inaller finding the DAZ 3D> DTB and copying the DAZ 3D file and putting inside C:/Users/"USERNAME"/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/
If you can't find AppData then you'll need to tick Hidden Items at the top of the Finder window under View. I installed it in Blender then I restarted Daz and it was then in the scripts folder.
More bafflement for me today. Apparently I have DazToBlender installed as in Blender I look in Add-Ons and it's there and the checkbox is checked ("Armature: DazToBlender"). But I have no idea where it is in Blender. Just the usual junk on the right hand side.
I found it. I had to click the world's smallest widget on the world's furthest-to-the-right edge of a view, on the world's ultra-widest monitors.
Installing Addons in Blender is usually an easy task Go to user Preferences and install the Addons ZIP file. But not this DAZ Bridge. They make it as difficult as possible, even hiding the ZIP file.
The Blender ADon should be a separate ZIP. Installing Blender Addons like KitOps, hardOps, Boxcutter, Quadremesher, etc is a VERY SIMPLE task. But NOT so with this DAZ Bridge.
Not sure why they make this so complicated and frustrating.
I had to zip the files as viewcode said and them import
OMG this was so obtuse. Daz must really hate their customers. None of the instructions were accurate. I've just wasted hours trying to figure this out. How insulting.
its work! thx a lot, win 10
Oh the newest DAZToBlender plugin you just download & install via DIM & it's 99% of the way there but you need to before you do that:
1) Upgrade Blender to the latest if you care too.
2) If you didn't do 1 but have the DAZToBlender plugin addon installed open Blender, select Edit - Preferences, search for DAZ in the addons, & deinstall the DAZToBlender addon (don't confuse it with Diffeomorphic & such). Exit Blender
3) In DIM, download the newest update of DAZToBlender & install.
4) Start Blender, go to Edit - Preferences to the addons, search for DAZ & you'll see the new plugin listed but unchecked. Check it to activate it & exit Blender.
5) Start DAZ Studio & the script to create the Menu in Scripts Menu for the new DAZToBlender plugin should run once (by DAZ Studio startup process, you need not do anything), if not try Window - Workspace - Update and Merge Menus
a) Your DAZ Studio Menu for the plugin can be seen as below now, verified by DAZ_Sam (the menu below is correct):
Scripts - Bridges - DAZ to Blender
DAZ to Blender : Genital
DAZ to Blender : Morph Exporter
Notice: the attached image copied from the DAZ Store for this plugin is incorrect!
Sorry about that looks like we need to update the info on our site I will let the team in charge of that know!
You have the correct names DazToBlender_8 and DaztoBlenderHD were combined to one script named DaztoBlender you would need to use that one.
OK, thank you. That is what I have now, DaztoBlender.
I am on Blender 2.91.2 now and I cannot find DazToBlender plugin.
Where can I just get the dam zip file. I'll put it in. Daz site says manual download, but the link goes to the dim installer. Have downloaded 6-8 times and ALWAYS it unzips and installs these files. that Blender wont use. Just want the ZIP.. can anyone send just that part ???
Can't you just untick 'install after download' in DIM?
Then you can grab it from there.
just deeleted all files having to do with anything DAZ. Gone thru regestry and deleted all files having to do with DAZ. Gonna try to load with that new downloader. Already a problem I can't find button and install all files. So gotta click install for over 1200 items. :(
even new Daz loader unzips file. Tried to rezip all the files but error in Blender says script missing. then tried to just highlite all files and load into blender. Only get one about armature. but nothing happens when Daz figure loaded. Can only click body or all bones as 1 object and none move or rotate.
lemme try diffeomorph
back to the drawing table
there is no DAZ ADDON listed in blender
Has anyone got correct instructions on HOW TO INSTALL THE DAZ TO BLENDER BRIDGE IN BLENDER?
this is getting silly