what is the difference of those save options? [solved]

HighElfHighElf Posts: 331

Hello. I struggle to understand the difference between those save options.

save as pose preset

save as hierarchical pose preset

save as properties preset

They all seem to save the exact same data. I try to save character-specific facial expressions, and I can't figure it out, which one should be prefered. :(

Post edited by HighElf on


  • mclaughmclaugh Posts: 221
    edited July 2020

    Properties Preset:  saves the pose, shape and material settings for a selected figure/character, but not the figure itself.

    Pose Preset: saves only the pose of a selected figure.

    Hierarchical Pose Preset: saves any poses associated with the selected node(s) and any other geometry in the node's hierarchy. For example, if you have a figure in a scene that has parented items, such as hair and clothing, the parented hair and clothing will appear as nodes under the main figure's node hierarchy in the Scene tab. Saving as an Hierarchical Pose Preset will save any poses for the figure plus any poses for the hair and clothing.

    [Edit: explanation courtesy of SixDs.]

    Post edited by mclaugh on
  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 331

    Ahh. Then it also makes sense that I couldn't find any differences for facial expressions. The hierarchical pose preset looks quite useful now.

    Thanks for the quick answer. :D

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