New Highly detailled Haircuts for Genesis 2 Female

First, as I don't post a lot on this forum, I would use this new thread to thank all the 3d stuff producers. You all make great work, and it's a pleasure to look at the news everyday.
But I would complain a bit about the Gen6 haircuts. There is a lot of news haircuts which are very nice, but when I look in the past, I found some older stuff which are better, IMO. And you would already understood the problem, if I autofit a V4 hair to a V6, I will have some tweaks, some problems in the hair, with angular and not smooth hair.
So, my request would be to update some of the greatest haircuts I found here:
* RebySky Hair
* Tatiana Hair
My second request would be about Ponytail haircuts. We all have the V5 Ponytail, included in the Probundle. A very highly detailled haircut that I used a lot. But I'm uite sad it's the only highly detailled ponytail I found. I used a lot Coco Hair (V4), but it's quite limited.
So, my biggest hope is someone to do a V6 Ultimate Ponytail, based on Lara Croft's one, in the Tomb Raider 2013
THIS would be really awesome! :D
Hope I don't expect too much, I try to create it myself, but well... I think the world "Fail" multiplicated by 1.000.000 wouldn't be enough...
This is the Lara's ponytail haircut I meant.
Try autofitting the ponytail from Smay. It is wonderful and very versatile (great bang for your buck). Plus it fits under hoods quite well.
Thanks, I will have a look!
Thanks, I will have a look!
Not under a hood yet, but quite a look:
Another thing about a lot of the new Gen2 haircuts:
While using ribbon-type strips to make up a hair cut is easier to create and lighter computation-wise, they often end up having hard or sharp edges on hanging curls, lovelocks and at the ends, or the filaments end up visible at the edges. This gives the hair a dirty or artificial look, no matter how pretty the textures have been painted. Given how much the eye and skin materials have advanced, it seems odd to be going backwards realism-wise on the hair.
It was especially noticeable in some of the Giselle haircuts. Compare the hair strands in Romance, Sparkle, & Bloomingwood with older hairs. The ribbon or banding effect shows up in all three new hairs, probably the most pronounced in Romance hair, but it shows up quite clearly in the front & side views of Sparkle, and the buns in Bloomingwood look more like bunches of tulle or chiffon instead of hair.
Compare the latter hair to the V4A4 Bun hair, Pure Hair: Darling, and Reinoa hair. None of them are exactly the same, but they're close enough to show the very visible differences between texture- mapped layers and filaments