[SOLVED] All figures Genesis 1 - 8 load off centre

nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

Anyone seeing this?

I've not changed anything, but everyone says that.

However, this occurs on all figures G1F to G8F; checking the transforms for the figure and hip shows them at zero, yet it is as though they are set to the side.

I then checked G3M, and it's been years since I loaded that one; same issue.

Off to try uninstalling: Studio Beta, release etc

genesis 8 load error.jpg
510 x 1097 - 50K
Post edited by nicstt on


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Looking at the rig, it is off as can be seen.

    Uninstalling didn't help, which I wasn't really expecting.

    Will try the actually assets now.


    genesis 8 load error g2 male.jpg
    1208 x 1169 - 150K
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited July 2020

    That didn't work, so re-downloading the assets.


    That seems to have worked.

    Just to clarify,

    uninstalling the assets, then re-installing from previously downloaded didn't work.

    Downloading new assets and installing worked.

    Post edited by nicstt on
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