How do Wildcards work?
Me again, sorry. I've got a set of dynamically-generated buttons named switch0, switch1, etc. If I use findChildOfWidget("switch"), nothing is returned. If I try to use a wildcard (i.e. findChildOfWidget("switch*")), nothing is returned. If I separate the wildcard from the string (findChildOfWidget("switch" + *)), I get an error. Do wildcards even work in QTScripts? If so, HOW?
I'm going to guess that findChildOfWidget() just doesn't support wildcards, unfortunately.
You could just get an array of all the children and filter that using a regex on the name. Unless you've got really huge numbers of children (in your script, not in real life) in which case, you know, performance...
You could filter by other properties of the children as well within the function of course, like class name for example.