DAZ Studio to ZBrush Error?

Fragg1960Fragg1960 Posts: 356

For years I've been exporting elements of DAZ Studio scenes (mostly clothing) to ZBrush for minor tweaks and adjustments.  I usually export the figure with deformations (so the pose comes over and I can tweak things like capes, drapery. etc.).  I just tried it and the pose keeps coming over into ZBrush with the base figure T-pose which I've never seen before.  No matter which DAZ export box I check off, the results are the same. Has anyone else had this happen?  Not sure if it's a DAZ-Studio side issue on the export--I suspect it is, but I've been doing this for a long time and never had an issue.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

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  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    If you haven't already, you could try clearing the cache folder. Typically this will be at C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZProjects\Default

    This always causes problems for me, so I clear it before every new DS _GoZ_ZB process.

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