Texture Not working correctly.

Hello, I need some help with a project i am currently working on. I build this Scifi Chair. But the base as you can see is silver coloured. It is suposed to be dark metal like the seat is, but every single time I import it into Daz3D and i asign the texture to it, it looks like this.

I use blender for modeling and I have tried as many things as i could think up to fix this problum but I am at my wits end. Any help is greatly apriciated!!!!! If you maybe have had this same problum and know how to fix it.

So I have tried exporting the 3D model from daz, then back into blender, then back into daz.

I tryed flipping normals.

I tryed exporting as FBX, then importing as OBJ in blender then exporting as OBJ and then into Daz.

I tryed redoing the texture.

Nothing has worked so far.

Any help Please!!!!!

Thank you all.

1824 x 1080 - 328K


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,205

    Are you sure it is the right surface?

    What happens if you aplly a different shader?

  • No I am sure it is the right surface. 

    So here is the funny thing. The surface has a textured to it called Chair base. and the top of the chair that is correctly textured is called Chair Base Top.

    Now if I texture the base with the top texture it works fine, but if I go back to the origanal base texture it does not accept. So I thought it was a texture problum, but somehow it is not because I tried to make other textres for the base with different names. and no luck.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,205

    What happens if you set cutout oppacity to 0? Does the base then turn invisible?

  • Thank you everyone who pitched in. your help is most apriciated!!! 

    I fixed my problum to some degree. I Still do not understand why some of my models act in this way. most of the time it is rare, but every so often it happens.

    So the way I fixed it was to just re model the base, from a completely new box. renamed the texture to something different and it now works.

    Im still confused why. but It is working now. :)

    thank you all again.

  • ArtisanSArtisanS Posts: 209
    edited June 2020

    Maybe, you inadvertedly doubled the base on ityself (all to easy in Blender, I use it all the time and it still happens to me). I find the Blender/DAZ coupling far from ideal. I use the Gleb Alexandrov way of modelling mostly and what looks like jem in Blender looks like a turd in DAZ due to the fact that DAZ does still not import normals in OBJ or anny other file type as far as I'm aware of.

    Greets, ArtisanS

    1094 x 1351 - 2M
    Post edited by ArtisanS on
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