GPU Rendering Issues...

SaintSaint Posts: 59

Recently upgraded laptops, having trouble getting Daz Studio 4.12.1 to render with the GPU. It's an RTX 2060, currently using driver version 431.70.

Was rendering fine on CPU, switched to GPU only in Daz Studio, now the renders come up empty, like a blank checkerboard.

Only thing I can find in the log that stuck out: "IRAY rend error: Cannot render: found no usable devices."

Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Post edited by Saint on


  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    edited June 2020

    Update your driver. 

    Post edited by kenshaw011267 on
  • SaintSaint Posts: 59

    Huh, I updated the NVIDIA drivers, and it rendered from the GPU, but then fell back to the CPU on a different render.

    Guess I'm still learning, thanks for a bunch there.

  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    edited June 2020

    Fall back was most likely the scene being too big for your VRAM. 6Gb is not that much

    Post edited by kenshaw011267 on
  • There is a tool called Scene Optimizer that is supposed to help with the memory issue but I've not tried it (yet)


  • SaintSaint Posts: 59

    Thanks for the tips! cool

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