Perfect Manuall All about DAZ studio . eg Number 1 (Transfer utility and Mohrp loader Pro)

I undersand DAZ studio have so many tools now,, then daz offer the aprication as free for all user,,
So that I do not ask anymore , daz need to offer all documents as free ( ><;)</p>
but I really hope to save time,, just concentrate render and make items by my self. even though there is no quality .
When I need to learn tools I hope ,just read the Manuall with dictionary .
Please DAZ release official documents about each CCT tools with every options, one by one
every month.
(or release by vendors with daz support confirm about the documetns)
eg ds 4 LIE (it is not same LIE with ds3 about files etc) documents
which will show me more clear how record each layered image as file type,
and where, and how to access them.
(it is not request for other user, tell me how to use LIE, I believe most of them I have known already,
but need more details to modify in other 2d tools as one sets layers, and save as LIE again,,
and actually sometimes I lost how to save is best,,,I hope to keep re-use as layer image set often)
And every option about new tools , what why when how they need, and when use them etc
with actuall case.
I do not believe most of user actually understand many tools,
Even though they may find it, can not record all by their self.
eg Rigid follow node , new D-former weight map ,and how it work with axis,
(yes I know now ds offer push modifeir node weight map too (^^;) )
when rotate base, where is pivot point and colored vertecies must move which axis direction etc,
and it is local axis or no when pozing,,
Or each export import type setting, and may work or not about some aprications
or what setting is recommended with real example. not only for Carrara ^^;
At least DS blender export import setting option is far from right ^^; OK?
I know there is support, and telephon support may work better, but you,,DAZ guys really hope to get phone from me^^;?
I can not wait , your reply for each tickets. (most of case,, I needed to send ticket again what I hope to know clear,
after get your reply,,)
If I call daz support many times,,DAZ support worker may become crazy to understand my English. Though I may not care about it ,,
and I may phone ,phone, phone again and again,, to understand what you talking about,,
then daz telephone support would apply my name as bad customer list, and will shut down me.
so that I will call as another name and use another phone,, ^^; not hope so,,,
Or I may need to live near daz office ^^; ? Open your office near my home pleaaaaase
or just sell Perfect manuall with more detali each month OK? (no need lesson strip any more, though I like it, and
love to get free appendix when finish all lesson ^^; if so,, release more lesson strip please,,, )