Genesis 2 Eyes - Partial morphs

I am one who loves to custom dial unique characters, and particularly look for Partial Morph sets. To me the eyes are the most vital feature among others, and is the aspect of any given character that I will spend the most time on (Both in 3D and traditional art). I love Genesis2 and have gathered almost every product that features partial morphs available for both genders.
The eyes in particular I feel could really be improved with a dedicated morph set. I'm forever get stuck trying to recreate eyes shapes, and while character packs offer a vast variety of looks, I don't necessarily want to use the whole head morph. Particularly Eye folds are quite difficult to make from existing partial morphs. The troublesome shapes to create are Mongoloid, Median fold, both Internal and external Epicanthus (Attached Image that illustrates what I'm referring to) Smoothing morphs are also much needed especially for the creases on the outer sides of the eyes, and more adjustment options to the Lacrimal too, which does vary allot between individuals. Even additional full eye shapes in sliders too would be awesome. Much can be done with the eyes :)
The human eyes are so unique, its really amazing how much people differ in them alone. I do refer to Genesis 2 in all this, but I do feel Genesis 1 could make allot of use out of a similar product as well.
Cheers :cheese:

The Head\Eyes tab under pose control has most of those options.
Yep, theres many great existing morphs, and the pose>eyes category can help in adjustment of the shape of the eyelid opening (Which will reset when zero figure pose) but then it does have some reasonable control in Actor>Head>Face>Eyes. Most of those morphs, I think, comes from Genesis2X head morphs pack.
But the troublesome area is the lack of adjustments and shaping of the Eye folds which are such a defining characteristic of the human eyes, and is seen to differ incredibly in genetics. In attempts Ive even modified morph limits as well as went negative values. "Eyelids Upper Height" in negative and "eye fold down" is pretty much the only control we have, and it imo doesn't seem cover the vast variety of eye fold looks.
Depending on combinations you either end up with an eye fold that doesn't reach the Lacrimal and outer side of the eyes or you have a fold that only reaches the lacimal. Both are left with double creases at the outer sides of the eyes that cant be smoothed/adjusted, the eye fold also wont reach it either, despite significantly extending outwards from the eyes outer corner.
On top of that the "Eye fold down" cannot be adjusted to match the shape of the eye. If for instance you use "Almond inner" to try to get an angled arch in the upper lid of the inner eyes (also a problem), the fold down morph will distort at the lacrimal and it will obscure the inner side of the eye which you tried to arch.
Once "Eye fold down" is used it thins out the fold, to get any kind of thickness you must reverse "Eyelids smooth" and add "Eyes Puffy upper".
I'm not knocking what morphs we have already, I love them and use them all the time. Its just one of those things I've always thought could be improved upon and felt the same with Genesis1 before Genesis2 had even arrived. From what Ive seen, such variance in eye folds/shapes/types/definition/smoothing are coming from full sculpted head morphs of all ethnic backgrounds and haven't really been offered as partial morphs of either full eyes or eye adjustments.
The one set I came across that did expand a bit on the eyes was DieTrying's 182 Morphs for V4 which Sickle converted for Genesis and later G2s. I think the it had the right ideas, and shows that theres allot that could be done :)
Only putting the idea out there, never know whats in stall for the future haha
I really hope there are more narrow detail morphs for each face parts.^^;
which can stretch to3axis and normal ,, .
as same as I tweak faces in 3d modeling tool with soft manipulation tools.(in blender or in hexagon,)
or sculpt,.
Or I may need to apply 4set D-former for all axis individually and color weight ^^;
I believe more detail morphs which can be acess easy by daz sutdio,as parameter,
for each small section,, must be get interestiing for user,who like tweak face many times ^^;
especially around eye,, and lips. mouse etc.
Now we can up eye lids top or down eye lids bottom,,in poze controller for expression,,
but I really often need just outer side of eye lids up or innner side of eye lids up-down,
and controll them as value,, to more sensitive expression I believe,,
or just need to narrow full faces and head size, but keep eye and moths (inner mouth)
without breaking,, there are so many face morph already,,
but I needed to make narrow face morph,, by my self,,
then I sometimes need to use expression controller for make base actor face,
or sometimes need to use face morph to make expression. (it is not base face of character, it need when aniamte only)
if you often use zero poze, it remove all morph which caused by expression controller.
or when apply expression preset,, it remove all controll face.
I need to re-adjust again in many poze controll to make base face.
and If I use head morphs (eg great morph kits which released by ) to make expression,,
when I use zero poze,, it can not remove the effect caused by poze controller ^^;
usually I make base(start) face by morphs (categorized shape) only.
and memorize figure shape. then save as character (shape, subset, etc,)
then when I need expression, I use poze controller. and make expression of detail.
so that I can remove by select head, and cullently used. or zero poze.
or apply original zero face poze preset.
if we have same morphsets as pozecontroller and shape morph, which can be useful for both purpose,,
it is really great,, I think.
(though we can make them by ourself,, use Alias or ERC etc,, but not hope such works frequently^^;)
Zevo, you are very talented at 3D manipulation of mesh and what Spyro was asking for is indeed more than can be achieved by the existing dials, I know so myself having heavily lidded deep set Latvian eyes with an odd shape as well as more close set myself.
Even with added GenX morphs it is impossible to dial up my eyes.
Not all of us as talented at using Dformers or softselection in say Hexagon or modeler of choice to produce the desired morph, mine end up very messy!
An eye morph pack would be excellent as eyes often define a person.