New content in Daz Studio 4 stopped highlighting in blue

pdarukpdaruk Posts: 10
edited December 1969 in New Users

Terribly sorry if this was asked elsewhere before, but I spent a few hours trying to google for answers and couldn't find anything.

My DS4 stopped highlighting new content in blue.

I've installed it ages ago and amusing it regularly (I'm a Win7 user). I keep it up to date and use the installer plug-in for all my new content. Would anyone have an idea or advice on how to fix this?

Many thanks in advance


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    There is an option to switch this on/off.

    Go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library, and check the box for 'Mark Folders Containing New Content as NEW' You may have switched it off at some point, or it has not saved in your Preferences.

  • pdarukpdaruk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    Many thanks for your reply.

    Ah, that's the weird part - sorry, I should have mentioned this.
    My "Mark Folders Containing new Content as NEW" option is ticked and has always been.
    I've tried unticking it, restarting Daz Studio, ticking it back, restarting Daz Studio.

    Tried installing new content after such attempts to fix it, but it's still not highlighting, unfortunately. I've ensured my Content Management service is running - no idea what this is, but Google says best keep it on, so I ensured it is on. I even checked the colour scheme, but the colour assigned to New is still the default one - bright blue.

    Think I should do a factory reset? I think I saw that option somewhere... That wouldn't affect my actual installed content, would it?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you.

    Resetting your preferences will not affect content at all, and it may help. I am not sure if CMS has anything to do with this, but I know that it does handle the search facility in the Content Library, as well as displaying the Products and Categories sections as well, among other things.

    I was hoping someone else could chip in here, as I don't have the 'New' items switched on, and I have never heard of this behaviour before now.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    This can be a failure of the Metadata not getting imported on install. I have also seen this happen with all exe installers. No content installed from a exe will highlight as New. That is because the flag is bypassed on install. If that flag is not set by either the Metadata Import or a DIM install (which should set the flag) it will not be seen as new to the CMS Database. It appears Zip installs do not have this issue for third party content as long as DAZ Studio is not open at the time the content is installed. The CMS database scan on DAZ Studio Open sets the flag for those files for some reason. I have had some Third party content also not set the flag. It may depend on the type of content in files.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • pdarukpdaruk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    Awesome, thank you very much for your replies, guys. I'll start with the factory reset thing and see if that fixes the problem.

  • CatalystCatalyst Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    I have this same problem, and it's becoming a big issue, because until now I've kept a very strict categorization process and now things are going missing because I can't find them, which means my categorization is completely moot...

    Did the factory reset work for you? Also, when you say Factory Reset are you referring to simply resetting the interface options (Edit->Preferences->Interface->Restore Factory Defaults) or are you referring to the "Reset Database" function under the Content Database maintenance options?

    I've tried the interface option and had no luck. If you are referring to Resetting the Database itself - well, I've been hesitant to try this, because I suspect this is basically a complete database dump. From the few things I've found the database reset completely wipes the database and all categories that have been created. Apparently, afterwards, you have to reimport all metadata. This wouldn't be a problem, except I have many items from sites like Renderosity, which were manual installs and don't have metadata. I can browse all known folders and pick those items up, at least I think I can, but I'm not certain.

    However, if what I've read is correct, after doing all this, then all items will show-up in blue and require categorizing all over again. Which is something I would really like to avoid. Basically, from what I've read, the database is then in a state similar to having done a complete reinstall of all products - everything is blue, there are no categories and you basically have to start from scratch if you use categorization.

    I do know how to export my user data, but I've never tested the process of reimporting it, and I don't know if it would restore my categories and automatically populate them with the data they contained before, especially if the database is "new", so I'm a little concerned about testing it blindly.

    I hope this makes sense, and I'm sorry if it sounds dumb, I'm pretty new to this as well. Please let me know.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I just Did the Metadata re-import with User Data (needed for Categories) and set to show as new. ONLY items I have not used came back as Blue but those did come back properly.

  • CatalystCatalyst Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    Ok - thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it!

  • Mine's doing the same thing.  No more blue. I'm running DS 4.9 and there's no option...

    I can't find anything in 4.9.  Nothing is where it should be.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    No, the blue highlight feature was removed. You can however use the new grouping feature as a replacement, with all items installed by DIM or Daz Connect being added to the new group by default, and you can filter the Smart Content pane by group (e.g. Group:New) to easily locate items.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited April 2016

    No, the blue highlight feature was removed. You can however use the new grouping feature as a replacement, with all items installed by DIM or Daz Connect being added to the new group by default, and you can filter the Smart Content pane by group (e.g. Group:New) to easily locate items.

    Is there any option that doesn't involve using Smart Content?  I tried to find my connect only products in smart content and they are no where to be found.  I did a complete wipe of my entire setup so there was nothing left and re installed from scratch (just now have most of my categories put together again) and Smart content still can't find items that I need to download through smart content.  So the chances of my trusting contntt from Smart content are slim to none.  its honestly almost impossible to find my new content since I have a huge amount of stuff.  I have taken to loading the new content onto my laptop which still has 4.8 and following the blue bars there so I can find it on my pc.  With over 2000 products finding the newly downloaded stuff is almost impossible and a huge exercise in frustration.

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The Content Library pane doesn't support filtering by group as far as I know, though it does show the group tags. But grouping is itself a CMS feature (as, I thought, was the old blue highlight) so if the content isn't showing correctly in Smart Content that too may be a problem. Were the items not shwoing up as avaialble to install, or not showing up after being installed?

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