Poser 9 library not working

Hi, I have a windows 7 system, and I usually use Daz but for content creation purposes also have Poser 9. Last month the library pane stopped working and appears permanently blank. I have added the sr1 update from SmithMicro, I have system restored to a point when I am sure it used to work, and I have done a full hard drive scan. I should also add that I don't have Internet Explorer on my pc, I use FireFox. Even so, I added the Flash player update for IE11, as it says on a help article I came across for Poser 8. Nothing. Nada.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks.
One, did you let Internet Explorer update to version 11? IE 11 has caused issue in the past. There are several threads about P9 and IE11 in the Rendo Poser forums.
Also did you let Adobe air or flash update? This can be another issue. Poser when it installs, installs the version of flash and air that work best with whatever version of Poser you are installing. It is best not to let it auto update as those updates have been known to cause issue with Poser's library.
And last but not least, did you update or change any software for you ethernet or (because some users are still stuck with dial up because of location) your modem? SMS tech support and I went round and round for 4 months back when P8 was released because the library pane was blank. They never came up with a solution or a reason. I discovered the problem accidentally months later. I was doing some "housecleaning" on my system and decided to uninstall the old modem software that I no longer needed. Turns out the modem software and P8's library were running into a conflict and the modem software was always overriding Poser.
Check IE first and go down the list from there. Most likely it's IE 11 or Adobe.
Microsoft have a tool kit which you can run to stop IE updating to IE http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=40722
Threads here about The missing liibraries issue
OT: Mythicka-Michelle, your language is Portuguese?
so sorry, but I noticed some words in your message, in Portuguese ... just curious
Hi, i don't have internet explorer at all on my computer, although i have just downloaded the IE11 blocker Chohole gave the link for so I will try that.
I let Flash update. I re-installed Poser yesterday so they should have had the right versions loaded, shouldn't they?
Nope, no ethernet or dial-up modem. I can just about get a very dodgy wifi signal on my personal pc.
Hi, thank you for the links. I have tried some of the things they suggest with no success, however I did come across a couple of tips that i can try out. Also thank you for the IE11 blocker - I don't have IE on my pc but I will load it anyway and see if it makes a difference.
OT: Mythicka-Michelle, your language is Portuguese?
so sorry, but I noticed some words in your message, in Portuguese ... just curious
Hi, nope I'm from the UK. I picked up 'nada' from a holiday in Spain years ago :p
Hi, nope I'm from the UK. I picked up 'nada' from a holiday in Spain years ago :p
this was really 'nada"', I saw the message that caught my attention.
Thank you for your attention
I had this problem when I let IE update to version 11 months ago, and I went to Microsoft's site and followed instructions to shut it down so it never updates again. In fact, no one can even access IE on my laptop, that's how much it was shut down.
I thought, however, that Smith Micro had com out with an update of Poser 9 to take care of this issue shortly after I had shut IE11 down.
Also, be sure you have the most current updates here --> http://poser.smithmicro.com/poser9-updates.html
Hi, i don't have internet explorer at all on my computer, although i have just downloaded the IE11 blocker Chohole gave the link for so I will try that.
I let Flash update. I re-installed Poser yesterday so they should have had the right versions loaded, shouldn't they?
Nope, no ethernet or dial-up modem. I can just about get a very dodgy wifi signal on my personal pc.
Actually, no, a re-installation of Poser 9 will not give you the right version because the update will override the version that is packaged with Poser.
Actually, if you are running Windows, Internet Explorer is on your system. IE has been an integral part of Windows since the Win95 days. You cannot have one without the other. You don't have to use it as your browser but it's still there. If you allow Windows to auto update, you may already have IE 11 on your system without even being aware of it.
Back to Flash. The only way to get back to the version Poser is packaged with is to uninstall Flash using the install/uninstall in Control Panel. After you uninstall Flash, uninstall P9. Then run an app like CCleaner to clean things up, especially the registry. Once you have things cleaned up, then re-install P9, making certain you have the last service release from SMS.
When you launch P9, is the library pane blank or is there an error message in it?
Okay, I'll give that a go.
The pane is blank and has no error message.
Install the newest Service Release for Poser:
Okay, I'll give that a go.
The pane is blank and has no error message.
A blank pane with no error message rules out a conflict with the comm port. That was the major issue with P8. If the latest updates don't fix the problem then it's likely to be an issue with the Flash update. Especially since you didn't have issues on initial installation.
They did - I think it's SR 3.2 for Windows (or is that for Poser Pro 2012?). But there is an update that fixes the IE 11 issue.
One other thing you might check is the connection settings in IE. Yeah, yeah, I know: you don't use IE. Well, Poser does. Here's how to do that:
Launch Internet Explorer.
From the Tools menu (that gear-looking icon), select 'Internet options'.
Select the 'Connections' tab.
On the lower half of that dialog, click the 'LAN settings' button.
On the dialog box that opens, in the 'Automatic configuration' group, check the state of the 'Automatically detect settings' check-box. If that check-box is set (i.e., has a checkmark in it), clear it.
Click 'OK' to close the dialogs.
That's always the first thing I check when this happens -- and it's happened a couple of times in the past, usually when Windows Update jacks with IE (and usually without my knowledge or permission) -- and that's always done the job for me.
Actually, I went back to IE10 and then shut it down so that Poser can still access what it needs, but no one can use it as a browser on my laptop.
IIRC, Smith Micro came out with the fix a day or two later.
Is there a fix for Poser 8 as well?
I have IE 11 and tried to install my copy of Poser 8. There was the same problem of not seeing the library; so I had to revert back to my old copy of Poser 6.
No fix for Poser 8, which was why I had to remove IE 11 and run the MS fix to stop it updating again. Have now disabled IE altogehter on my system, but ran the MS fix first.
If there's a way to revert IE back to version 10 and stop it from updating, then you'll be able to use Poser 8. I did it the very next day after IE updated, so had no problem as I had only updated one other app, which I updated again after I fixed the IE issue. That was a while ago, so don't know if you've done a lot of updates since this IE issue first reared it's ugly head and now.
OT: Mythicka-Michelle, your language is Portuguese?
so sorry, but I noticed some words in your message, in Portuguese ... just curious
This happened to me too. The library just stopped working. I installed a newer version of Flash Player and that seemed to cure
it but................now any new items I add to Poser 9 do not show up. I looked on the hard drive and all the files of the new items are
in the right place but so far I have not found a way to add them to the library.
Why is Internet Explorer have anything to do with this problem ? I thought Poser 9 was a stand alone program.
I just posted in your other thread about the IE11 problem, but I have no idea what there is about IE that Poser needs it to access the library. I never did find an actual explanation of why, just that it does.
It's something to do with the way SM set things up, so all SM versions of Poser need IE to populate the Library
Hey thanks for posting your answer to my double threads.
Oh goodie more mystery. Ok, what is SM ? Can I get an nonSM Poser ?
SM is Smith Micro, who are the current owners of Poser.
Not sure who owned Poser 7,Poser 6 was E Frontier, Poser 5 was Curious Labs, Poser 4 was MetaCreations
Doh!!!! Of course it's Smith Micro. Thanks for the list of past owners. I bought my first Poser with Curious Labs.
Thank Chohole. Love how you alway seem to have the answers.
This happened to me many many times and the solution I found (hopefully good for you, too) is to change the settings to load Factory Default on start up. It fixed my library, then I was able to set it back to load Preferred Scene. Also, for Poser 9, there is a SR1 or something like that which addresses the compatibility with Windows 8 and 8.1
Good luck!
Great ideas and thanks. I only load Poser Factory Default. I didn' t know you could do it any other way. Yep got the SR1 but like you
said it's for Windows 8 and I am using Windows 7 cause I do not like Windows 8 at all. Might be great on a laptop but on a regular
computer it don't work out at all.
I have been surfing for ideas on how to fix this and it looks like Internet Explorer 11 and Flash Player for IE11 are to blame for this.
They are working on a hot fix, whatever that means.
I just ran Poser 9 through some paces and it works except for adding new items to the library. The items that come with Poser 9
work great and the library likes those. Just adding is a problem. Been finding a lot of folks with Poser Pro 2012 and 2014 are having the same or worst problems than I am after IE updates. All they get are the frames of the category then crash. At least I can use what came with Poser 9.
I did update my java to the latest and the flash player to the latest version. I have Windows 7
Does anyone know if I went back to Poser 7, would all these problems go away ? Or is Poser 7 dependent on IE and Flash ?
I will repeat: To turn off the auto updating on IE10 Click on the word Help on the left hand menu, Click on About Internet Explorer,
then you get a dialog box, just uncheck the box for auto updating. I only have IE10 so I don't know if this will work with other versions.
Does your Poser work as it used to ? Just wondering if I should go back to Poser 7.
Oh you clever woman. Ok, so how does one get the MS fix. I assume MS stands for MIcroSoft.
If there's a way to revert IE back to version 10 and stop it from updating, then you'll be able to use Poser 8. I did it the very next day after IE updated, so had no problem as I had only updated one other app, which I updated again after I fixed the IE issue. That was a while ago, so don't know if you've done a lot of updates since this IE issue first reared it's ugly head and now.
I am repeating this but to turn off updating on IE10. Click on the word Help at the top of your screen, left hand side.
Click on About Internet explorer. You get a dialog box, just uncheck the auto update box. This is for IE10, it may
work with other versions.