dragon gold set

Years ago when I believe the first DAZ dragon was offered there was a product offered, free I believe but could be wrong. that was like the Dragon Horde except it looked like a cave, with piles of gold around and a post to tie a captive to in the presence of the dragon. i got it then and reloaded it a second time for a render, but can't find now it in my hundreds of CDS. Because it was offered before DAZ had the member order history in effect I can't re-download it now.
Does anyone remember what the product was? Was it a freebie? On the of chance it was,where is the old freebie page from freebies of the past or has DAZ removed that page?
this one http://www.daz3d.com/dragons-treasure for
Actually, "Dragon's Treasure" requires "Mystery Cave" if I'm right.
yeah that is what I put. :)
Moved to Product Suggestions as it's a request for, not an offer of, a freebie. The Freepozitory is not for asking for freebies, except via the request thread here http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/30004/
Actually I wasn't sure if in fact it was a freebie here at daz or a store item. I figured it it was in fact a DAZ freebie I wanted to know where the link to the older freebies was. If wrong forum, sorry.
There was Dragon's Lair by Stonemason in the DAZ Free Archive. It consisted of a cave figure and a bunch of props (land bridge, dragon's throne, assorted stalagmites, various pots and the Dragon's pot of gold). Unfortunately, the DAZ Free Archive is no longer online and that's the only legitimate way to have obtained it. Search your CD archives for the installer: ps_fr215_DragonsLair.exe and you might luck out.
Okay trying to post this again. I am thinking of working on a project which deals with hoards of different things. The first project would be hoards of coins. I just need some quality time with hexagon to get it made. If there is any interest I can see if I can publish it and the rest of the series that is if I can get it good enough quality.
The title sounds right but the image is all wrong. The item I remember had piles of gold and rock walls like a cave but it had a post in the middle of the room in a mound with the treasure all around it. Is this the only thumb you found with the product?
There is no scene preset, so I threw this together with the primary cave figure and a bunch of props that I had to manually place in the scene. This is a preview render. The content icons are from the props category in the Poser format library.
I stumbled upon this item this morning http://www.daz3d.com/sales-promotions/pirate-s-treasure it is pirate not dragon but similar to what you described.
I checked out the Dragons Lair stuff in DS4.6.3 last night. The Poser texture mats are a big let down now. The set looks nothing like it did in the old DS3 days. Even with the proper tweeks. It's okay for long shots but will never do for a single close shot.
I have a Dragons gold set currently in my work list, its probably about 80% complete. So if theres anything particular you're looking for in a set let me know.
At the moment I have varying piles of coins with gems scattered on them single coins and gems. Goblets and Plates. Sword, Helmet and breastplate. Some shaders to match.
Love to hear any thoughts or requests for inclusions.
Heres a quick mockup of a promo just a WIP atm but you can see where its heading.
looks nice but please also make it to work in versions of Poser(7) and up w/o the darn importer thingie.
Would be nice if there was a good cave setting and high enough resolution for c/u images. And alo a post with ties to hold a damsel in distress to be saved. :)
I should be able to include everything available in Poser .pp2 format alongside the duf for DS.
I'll have a look at also including a sacrificial post of some kind.
Unfortunately a cave may be a bit beyond the scope of this set.
Trying to keep the price down bit by keeping this as a prop set.
Finishing up the Sacrificial Pole Prop today, some minor touchups to do but pretty much done,
Steps in line behind Jaderail. This looks great!
Unfortunately I needed to drop the Poser support for the initial release of this one (DA Dragons Gold).
I prefer to spend the time getting everything working exceptionally in one App (In this case DS) rather than spend the time delivering a more average result in two apps. The time it would of taken to redo the mats and setups for Poser would affect the final price and I dont want to charge DS users more to have the Poser Mats included. If the demand is there I'll look at doing a separate Poser version with Poser Mats. My apologies to any Poser users who had there eye on this set.
The Good news is the Daz Studio version is in testing!