XTransfer or Character Converter for LY Fantasy Races HD Faces and Bodies and Fantasy Creature HD

Hi! As title says:
I'm in creating illustrations for fantasy rpg manual and I end discovering the https://www.daz3d.com/fantasy-creature-creator-hd-morph-pack-for-genesis-3-male and https://www.daz3d.com/ly-fantasy-races-hd-faces-and-bodies
This could help my workflow a lot, but both are for G3... and I already bought a lot of morph and stuff for G8... I wonder if https://www.daz3d.com/xtransfer--genesis-3-to-genesis-8-converter or https://www.daz3d.com/character-converter-from-genesis-3-female-to-genesis-8-female work well with this packs, because both have HD morph and at least on Xtransfer says that HD morph don't transfer..
*sorry for bad english*
RiverSoft’s character converters also won’t transfer HD details, because Daz doesn’t allow it. However, either will transfer the shapes, so it’s just a question of how badly you need the HD details. Personally, between the two I prefer XTransfer, but they appear to be equivalent in terms of results.
I don't really need the HD detail, couse in the end I do a lot of post production to make the render appears as a paint... I was just wondering if in the end the converter will give me some errors
I don’t have either of those morph packs, but I’ll XTransfer a similar HD character when I get home (probably Narkissa) to give you an idea of what you can expect. Ive already XTransferred some other characters like Damien and Anneka, but I don’t know if I have any renders handy that I could show you.
A couple additional points:
Neither converter should give you “errors” when converting the morphs; they just might not convert them to your satisfaction. XTransfer has handled everything I’ve thrown at it, with the single exception that it didn’t fully translate Star 2.0’s very extreme proportions. The morph itself looks great, but it doesn’t have the same silhouette, but that’s fine with me. For a more drastic failure, I got this out of using RiverSoft’s G2M-G8M converter on Genesis 2 Raven:
I want to be very clear that this shouldn’t be taken as a reflection on the quality of RiverSoft’s converters, because G2 to G8 (or G3) is a much trickier conversion than G3 and G8, which are basically the same figures, and this is also a pretty extreme morph. Still, even though it looks ghastly and not at all like the figure I was converting, the conversion completed without an error.
HD might play a larger role in creating the shapes you’re after than you might initially suspect. Without the higher level of detail, the shapes of, for example, the ears may not look quite the same.
Finally, even though it doesn’t do all the same things as the morph packs you’re looking at, there is some overlap with HFS Ultimate Shapes for G8. Depending on your budget, it might be worth playing around with that to see if you can get the shapes you want that way before buying G3 morphs and the converter(s) necessary to get them over to G8.
Narkissa on the right, XTransferred G8 Narkissa on the left. Obviously, the general shape transfers just fine, but the original HD has more fine details. The LY morphs really don't look terribly HD to me, so you might not notice a difference converting those to G8, but you're definitely going to lose some detail converting the Creature Creator morphs. This render will give you a barometer for how much detail you're likely to lose, and whether that's acceptable for your purposes.
Just picked the LY morphs up in a sale, so I thought I'd give those a try. Here's the Orc shape on G3 and G8, and they look about the same to me.