The Wakeful Brain Complaint Thread
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is yoor owls keeping yoo company?
studious study of cover figures :lol:
That's some serious coverage, kind of like images from Italian fotonovella's :)
is yoor owls keeping yoo company?
Too cold to be outside tonight.
Italian fotonovella’s?
sounds like something to investigate :lol:
tee hee - fotonovela
Sunday morning at 8:30AM! Mostly awake for no known reason.. argh. Oh well!
Am up and drinking coffee, will cook spicy hot breakfast sausage soon! That and a nice English muffin makes a good, low-carb breakfast.
More installs today - PPro SP1.1, PPro content upodates, DS4.5RC3, Carrara, and Bryce Pro. That should do the job!! 3D hobby heaen soon to arrive.
Otherwise, wilkl rest the foot today and be nice to it before another week of walking all over the poor thing.
Cicken wings for dinner! I think spicy Buffalo style with cilantro!!! :wow: Hottttttttttt!
Can you boot into Safe Mode? (Press F8 every few seconds while it's booting up until you get a menu.) Have you added new hardware/software? What's the blue screen say, particularly the error code?
Nope, can't boot into Safe Mode. The drivers hand at classpnp.sys. I did a little research on it before I went to bed and it seems like the easiest(?) fix is to rename that driver to .old and replace with a new one. That's if I can keep it from looping long enough to do that. HA!
Otherwise it looks like I have to find my installation disk and do a re-install of Win7. I've never done one before and it's intimidating. Otherwise I can take it in to the shop tomorrow and pay them to do it.
crumpets! haven't has an english muffin in neolithic ages
*dances across the thread*
So, so in love with RawArt's "Tauran II". It rocks my socks!
Crumpets and english muffins are 2 different things.
Today's load of stuff. I'm addicted to a stupid game, I'm getting my butt kicked but I love SPORE. The Space age is killer.
It's to early to buy beer in my part of the world and I really want a beer.
I still have two days till my next treatment and I'm already dreading it.
Both my kids and wife like spore. I'm not a game player. They tend to frustrate me. I'll occasionally play something like Big Game hunter or Tiger Wood Golf but that's about it.
The Spore creatures remind me a lot of Genesis with geo-grafting for extra parts. It's really a neat little concept. And The other Designer stages are fun to play with also.
Now both of my kids are into Mindcraft. They bury themselves in it all day and night.
Do you mean Minecraft? The one were you build your stuff and monsters come out at night? Kind of like a lego's thing?
iz a cutey of a basilisk
It is almost four pm.
...too bad you aren't here in Portland today.
Both Coalition (the brewpub down the street from me) and Burnside have 10$ pitcher Sundays (all day).
Unfortunately as International Incident is only served by the glass instead of in pints (due to it's high abv of 8.6% and the fact it is a fairly expensive beer to make) not sure if it is available by the pitcher. However, Thundarr and all their other ales are.
Strong beer story:
Many years ago (the evening before I moved to where I am now) I went to the BBQ joint across the street to treat myself to one last nice big dinner. On the chalkboard, one of the beers they had listed was simply named "Fred" (by Hair of the Dog Brewing). It looked like a nice hearty dark ale similar to a Porter, which considering it was November, sounded just right. Well, ended up having three pints in the course of the evening (one free from the owner who hated the thought of losing one of his best customers) and when I stood up I immediately felt more than a little typsy. After safely making it across the street and back home fell right into bed and slept nice and sound. A couple weeks later I saw the beer at the local market and looking a bottle over I discovered the .abv was listed as being 11%. I had three full (not "cheater") pints of the stuff that night! That's like drinking a bottle and half of wine.
They just now changed the laws in my state that allow for Local brew to be sold in the stores. If you wanted any before this month you had to go to the Brewery/Pub to get it. I live WAY out from the city so that was not going to happen very often. I've yet to see any of the local brews in the local store but we are staring to get some of the never allowed stuff in it now. One day I'll break down and try a few of them.
Someone painted the Millennium Dragon~
Hm... I don't think I'll be able to play Age of WOnders Shadow Magic on my laptop. Or a least not without heavy cheating.
I get random Crash-to-Desktop's without so much as a sound or error dialogue, and always in combat. It seems only with specific units.
Early in Mission 1 I went to explore a Haunted Crypt which was guarded by a single Doom Bat (Flying unit) and the game CTD'd once it ran up to attack. Next time I just used Auto-Combat and won thankfully without losing a single unit.
Much later, in Mission 2, I got a quest to hunt down some random ebil units that spawned on the map. Their party consisted of a Doom Bat and several assorted orcs. I used manual combat (Before saving the game) and the Doom Bat took its turn. No crash. My druid Entangled it and pulled it down to the ground. No crash. My cavalry rushed up to attack it and as soon as the attack connected the game crashed.
I tried a second time, this time with my hero attacking it. Crash as soon as the bat squeaked in pain from the attack.
I got this CTD thing before in the last mission when an enemy hero used Hurl Boulder, and again in the last Dark Elf campaign during a city siege. My desktop never did this ;__;
I don't like using Auto-Combat for large fights since the AI will often do stupid things (Although it can often win seemingly impossible fights against high level units during sieges if you have a swarm of low-level archers and a Stone Wall) like surrender to a MUCH weaker force if it is composed of several aerial units (Doom Bats, Wyverns, Eagle Riders, etc) because you can't hit them while completely ignoring retaliation attacks can bring them down as well as your Wizard's spellcasting. I've also had the AI slaughter my heroes while still winning the battle, but then I TAKE CONTROL, and win without losing any important units (Lower level units like Draconian Chargers or Halfling Slingers often die still) - sometimes even without my hero taking damage.
I haven't been able to get any help on the matter, but I did get the "Game no play past opening menu" problem fixed by playing in Windowed mode. So, if there's a delicate battle that I MUST use Auto-Combat for because of the stupid crash, I'll just have to cheat and spawn a dozen stacks of summoned units and Auto-COmbat until they win. >_>
I hate doing that, but if the AI constantly flees or sends my units on suicide attacks in Auto-Combat but crashes during Manual, what else can I do? was pretty much like that here at first. You could only get craft beers at pubs. In Washington State they had to change a fairly restrictive law before stores could sell craft brews as the liquor commission there classified any beer over 4.5% as a malt liquor which could only be sold in the state managed liquor outlets.
That was another oddity I encountered when I moved out here, Both here in Oregon and (up until earlier this year) Washington State, liquor could only be sold in state run stores. Seemed a bit strange that you had to go to the state to get your booze.
Coalition (where I am at now) has bottled their three signature beers: King Kitty Red, Two Dogs IPA, and WU C.R.E.A.M (in 750 ml bottles) and currently is offering a special release of their Lost Glove Strong Ale (another ale only sold by the snifter at the pub). Th cool thing about coalition is their brewery is across the street in what used to be the old Plasma Donation centre. So instead of a place to give lifeblood it's now giving back. Interestingly, for the pub's water "pitchers", they use 1L plasma bottles.
A cool thing this pub does is allow home brewers to use their facilities to make up a batch for their "Coalator" programme. I was considering it this year and planned to make my infamous OktoberFist (a strong dark ale with an .abv of 8.5%), but the impending move kind of pulled the plug on that idea. This is why I want to find another converted house, preferably another half cellar or ground floor flat so I can get back into brewing again. It's not cheap, mind you and a lot of work but like my cooking, it is relaxing and rewarding in a way that money cannot hope to express.
Watching an unfolding trainwreck and flustercluck happening elsewhere. Quietly -- with increasing levels of tension and trepidation -- I'm wondering if I should confront the other half of the drama-in-brewing, and tell something muy importante to the other side of the equation. Because no matter what you do in this, it will end in tears. And fire. But mostly tears.
Morning. Monday and back to work. Complaint: sunny and warm outside this morning, and I"m on the cold and shadowy inside :)
Oh noes classpnp.sys would be the last good library loaded (AFAIR a disk i/o handler) techs will either roll back updates to the last good one or reinstall, either way good luck with that, how aggravating :)
Aw, what a cutie!!!! :-)
Good morning! Hopefully it will be a pleasant day ot work. :coolsmile: