The Wakeful Brain Complaint Thread
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I think I'm good there, 'cause I didn't buy pwShaders until this month, and re-downloading them didn't increment the file number. FYI, I haven't seen that odd Deep Shadow Map glitch (where colorful boxes show up) for ages, not since I upgraded to RC2. Either I've gotten lucky, or something has been fixed.
Morning. Is grey and rainy here today. But 0 more sleeps until two weeks off! woohoo! On the downside it looks like my 10 o'clock won't be early *\small_complaint\*
Thought the psychedelic shadows FX was a neat feature :)
One thing i keep noticing is that there is not much info about suicide on the internet. At least google is not bringing up good info. What if I want my character to commit suicide?
Because suicide isn't a science or an art - there isn't any grand mystery behind it. You just stop your own life, in whattever way you deem fit. That's all >_>
Jump off a very large height, drink poison, hold your breath, drown yourself, jump in front of a car, let a cobra bite you, the list goes on. It's not that hard to think of something. It IS hard to think of a unique way of doing it since the usual methods have been done over and over.
If you're really finding it THAT hard to find info on it, do some searches for the "Sea of Trees". The Aokigahara forest by Mount Fuji. Apparently the most famous suicide spot in Japan and the second most famous in the world.
is thundering outside. my neighbor said there is tornado warnings, i filled up my Gatorade empties with water in case power goes out. i found matches but no candle. put fresh batteries in the flashlight. netbook is juiced up. come what may i say, sigh
it's like mordor outside, darrrk
my hatchling grew wings :)
i could go for some cupcake and sprinkles pron :lol: or parfaits.
Oh geez - watch for tornados, the Wicked Witch of the West, and orcs!!! :ahhh:
Why do some think it is wrong to kill a kitten, but okay to terminate a feline pregnancy?a
Oh geez - watch for tornados, the Wicked Witch of the West, and orcs!!! :ahhh:
remember the bicycle music?? tee hee
lol anime dating tips
Your meds Miss Wolf, hurry!
you have to take that stuff on schedule.
Ok, RC3 does render a touch faster, that's good.
I installed all my pwStuff and none of it appears to do anything! Oh well, maybe later.
Mocks Creeping Brain loads properly now! Finally! W00t! :coolsmile:
I feel real iffy right now so I'm not going to push on my none of the pwStuff works and no errors show up, that's for tomorrow - it's not a critical t thing for me. I wish Atmospheric Cameras was updated!!!
Yeah I reset them - they figured out I had DS4 installed - installed themselves - but I'm not seeing any results.
I'm sure it's user error since I haven't been able to use pwSurface2 or any other pwThing for a long time. :-S
UPDATE: I managed to get pwEffect to work, but I had to:
- Select the item
- Go to Surfacing/Rendering
- Select the item surface AGAIN
- Back to Loading/Creating
- Drag the pwEffect on to the thing
- FINALLY render and see effect
Not real intuitive. :ohh:
Ladies, gentlemen, and all others - I present to you...
EDIT: You can open any TAB in any window Wooly. The View/Layout is customizable.
Oh geez - watch for tornados, the Wicked Witch of the West, and orcs!!! :ahhh:
...Auntie Em, Auntie Em...It's a Twister!!!!!!
...Auntie Em ,Auntie Em...It's a Twister
hey wonderful image :)
I'm sure there was one of those lurking in the dark outside my window this morning ;) *loves background as well*
Your meds Miss Wolf, hurry!
you have to take that stuff on schedule.
Yes please take care of yourself Kulay, we need you to share cake with ;) And chocolate :)
1520 Friday afternoon and after the longest half hour meeting in history I'm off work for a couple of weeks *weak huzzah!*
...well, really beginning to feel bummed about the housing situation. It's making me snippy at the day job as "going home" just doesn't have the same meaning anymore.
I can't afford the "up front" First/Last/Security Deposit move in fees on my income (upwards of 1,500 - 2,000$). Then there's the "nonrefundable" application fees, anywhere from 35 - 50$ a pop (which should be illegal), with no guarantee you'll be accepted. That's about a week's worth of groceries. I may as well open the window on the bus and toss money out it as I ride through town. Imagine if you had to pay an application fee when looking for a job. It;s a bloody racket which only benefits the rental companies, particularly given the presence of the internet today.
One snag I see is this credit rating issue which never used to be an concern. I will admit I don't have much of a credit history (or a "perfect" one). It used to be if you had a steady job that paid enough to afford the rent and good references, that was all you needed. Even though I have been working steadily at the same firm for over seventeen years and have an excellent history at my current residence, I could easily find myself homeless because of some asinine "technicality".
Moving is something I really don't look very forward to. Instead of settling down like I should be doing at this stage of life, I have to deal with disrupting and uprooting everything because of city regulations that do more to put people out on the street than help them get off it.
We don't have advance fees for real estate here, landlords have to pay agents a finders fee, usually a week's rent. Moving is supposed to be up there with death in the family and weddings for raising stress levels. My friend's boy is getting married in October, he is in crisis mode ;)
Just a passing thought KK feel free to tell me to take a long walk on a short pier. In my area we have loads of foreclosed homes that have been picked up by Rental companies and people that buy just because of the low cost now days. Have you looked into some of the not your first pick areas under Houses for rent in the newspaper and those Rental properties booklets I find in Pharmacy's and Grocery stores? Many of those type listings are much cheaper, and if listed as offered by a Name and not a Company are willing to work with people just to get some income instead of it setting empty. I know your very savvy, and know what your doing so this is just a what if kind of thing. My nephew got into a Needs work two bedroom last year with just a Deposit and first month down when we went outside his comfort zone just a tad. He is now Buying the house with his RENT actually not changing on him. He also likes the area, he just had a bad picture of it before he moved.
...wish we has such rules.
Here, it is all based on greed and one's "ability to pay". There is no real "Fair" or "Equal Housing" anymore when developers and speculators are allowed by the city fathers to either tear down affordable apartment houses and replace them with expensive upscale condos or "gentrify" them.
Apologies, but this is beginning to chafe my hide.
...I am at the stage of life where home ownership is pretty moot. The focus on personal credit history and rating has gotten out of hand. I was arrears years ago in repaying student loans. I have been making payments through a payroll deduction. Several years ago I also ended up on owing back taxes due to both having been self employed and an error on my deduction status by my company's CFO. The taxes were paid off and I'm still paying off the college loans.
Anyway, in my book, home ownership is overrated. Besides upkeep and utilities, there is one other disadvantage to owning rather than renting: property taxes (which are fairly high here).
Unfortunately in central Portland, it is a landlord's market. Even a small studio (I'm talking about around 250 - 300 sq feet) without utilities is going for over 600$ a month. Part of this has to do with the metro area's imposed Urban Growth Boundary. In order to avoid unchecked sprawl, hard boundaries to growth were established. This means most of the development has been "vertical". As I do not drive I cannot live in the outlying suburban areas. I need to be in the city. However the speculators and developers have been pushing the average Joe/Jane out of the central area by all the gentrification and upscale dvelopment. For example, just down the street from me there is an older rather "unremarkable" home for sale with a price tag of over a half million (and we are still in a depressed economy out here).
Most of the apartment houses I've looked at here are corporate owned. They can afford to be "choosy" as to who they rent to. I basically need to fall into another deal like I've had for the last fifteen years. With the way things are here, that's like trying to win the lotto twice.
...well it's getting late and I have to get up for work tomorrow so I need to sign off.
Thank you very much for the concern.
Wooly's Join Date is 0.... o_O
Also pretty character with an interesting design. And a cool scroll-thingy that has an Auto-Cast or Rapid Fire mode built in. :3
I want one.
I forget how they described it, but the spells aren't written on paper. It was more like... The words themselves are the scroll. Or something... It's pretty to look at though.
Well that woke me up, all right...