The Wakeful Brain Complaint Thread
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It was not you tube. It was some other site that had videos. I think it was smosh. I went to that site by clicking a link. Somebody posted.
Never heard of it. =/
"I went to that site by clicking a link. Somebody posted."
I don't do that anymore ^_^
Unless it's someone I really trust (Very, very, few people.) and/or they explicitly state what it is. If it's a "Tiny Link" or any sort of shortened URL I forget it entirely regardless of who posted the link. And I rarely read the comments to videos. Often I'll do so for the Touhou playthrough's I'm watching, sometimes with tutorials, but most other vidoes I make sure I can't see the absurd "Recommended" list or the comments by resizing the window.
Sorry, I don't use Genesis. :down:
Well they do work on the original non-Genesis hair too. ;)
Only five more sleeps until two weeks off :)
Yaay for vacation! I hope you can get some rest, seems like you've been Uberbusy (a new Daz Studio plugin?) lately. :coolsmile:
@Skriki: I don't even own the original hair, sorry. :down:
It's Sunday, and while today is officially a sit-on-my-tail-and-do-little day, I have COMPLAINTS!!!!
- Need to install a carpload of content to TVC
- Looks like I'll need Comic Life to do this right
- M4 needs peasant clothes
- I need more M4 characters
- This laptop is too darn slow
- Converting a story to a script isn't that easy
- I have too many ideas and too little time
- Discovered another loads worth of dirty clothes (not TVC-related)
- Chicken wings are slow to thaw (not TVC-related)
Oh well, back to installing content for TVC and nibbling brekkie!
We just finished a tabletop game session. Wheee. No complaints.
Yaay, fun times! I haven't played a good tabletop game in DECADES. :gulp:
My machine is too slow to run Dungeon Siege III, so no games for me until I built Charybdis V2. Sigh, there's another months wait. :down:
Or at least a decade and a half.
And I want to complain that I lost this thread. Where or where was it?
Yaay, fun times! I haven't played a good tabletop game in DECADES. :gulp:
Awww! We're about to start a different campaign next month. Whee. My character for it? A total mess -- not statwise, but concept-wise. Half-devil sent from Hell to find someone who had escaped the final clause of a fiendish pact, in order to avoid getting their soul condemned to Baator.
Got bored, did a render that's not TVC-related! A friend of mine...
Hmm... nearly fed one of my PCs to a monster last night... again. The hazards of playing a small sized character. And it was the poor player's first night back at the table after a trip to Italy.
"nearly fed one of my PCs to a monster last night"
Shame on you for not doing it DX ( I enjoys seeing "heroes" get eaten. And most other peoples too.)
Come to think of it, while playing NetHack they mention being able to find something that will shapeshift you into a monster (They never really say what though. Dinosaur? Dragon? Big purple hydra-cat thing with four wings and six tails?) that can perform swallow-and-digest attacks on smaller creatures. Maybe I never went down far enough or maybe it's just very rare, but I'm disappointed I never found it >_>
Anyway. Back during the very brief time I played those games I only created characters to be eaten. I liked the monsters more than the "Adventurers" anyway. Buuuuuuuuuuut that never really lasted long. Dad died a year or two later, then I never played it since. NetHack doesn't count though right?
Found my Age of Empires 3 discs. Turns out they were at home yes, and on a shelf in plain sight. However there was a ceramic figure placed on top of the case so I didn't see it. Hmph. Two weeks of searching and it was right there
Morning. Cool Monday morning under a glowy blue and white marbled sky, bright yellow sun spread like honey over red and brown city roofs :)
Yaay for vacation! I hope you can get some rest, seems like you've been Uberbusy (a new Daz Studio plugin?) lately. :coolsmile:
Getting a little burned out I think, and complaining a bit more than usual :) Thursday is my last day before a couple of weeks off yay !
A very modern parable :)
Gnnnnrrrrrk. My chain-smoking neighbor is on her balcony, and smoking. Since this is summertime and I need fresh air, the doors are open. And smoke wafts in. And guess who gets migraine from tobacco smoke?
Getting a little burned out I think, and complaining a bit more than usual :) Thursday is my last day before a couple of weeks off yay !
We all get a bit grumpy when we work to long.
Getting a little burned out I think, and complaining a bit more than usual :) Thursday is my last day before a couple of weeks off yay !
We all get a bit grumpy when we work to long.
Funny, I must be the black sheep here then (In more ways than one >_> ) because I start to get grumpy when I haven't been working. ^_^
My days (Er... Nights) have been reduced to two a week so that's given me more time to be grumpy D:
Music with an awesome + beautiful picture.
Song: "Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind (Remix)".
Opening is soo dramatic and pretty. Then around 1:55 it picks up again :D
Very much worth listening to at least once.
(The uh, video's name is actually the remixed version's name and not her original theme.)
...hmmm, I think I remember running into once him somewhere on the edge of Myth Drannor..
...yeah, still around. Got into a bit of a snit over the new site software breaking down all the time and had to take a break after posting a fairly terse commentary a couple weeks ago.
...anyways, skimmed a couple pages and then gave up as I'm tired of playing catchup all the time.
Ugh diabetes. My mum passed on from it years ago and have a co-worker currently wrestling with it. Fortunately my last blood glucose test came up negative. Still have to be careful though as it is in the bloodline.
Ahh tabletop gaming. Still going strong where I am (unlike the reminder bots on this new forum).
Currently Involved in an interesting scenario where I am playing one of the figures of nobility (Her Grace Meggan Grande) from my old Shadowrun campaign. Much more of a "Role" rather than "Roll" play game which is loosely based on Europe from the Shadowrun system with a little Changeling thrown in for good measure, though a few years removed from the original campaign I GM'd.
Basically the Lord Protector (think Oliver Cromwell in the 2060s) has stranglehold on the kingdom to the point that several of the prominent nobility and even the King are notably "concerned". A lot of political intrigue mixed with a bit of ancient mystical powers.
In the last episode, we were charged by His Majesty to undermine the L.P.'s credibility and and authority in order to restore the true power back to the Crown. A daunting mission indeed and one which requires careful planning, a deft approach, as well as a bit of deviousness from time to time lest we tip our hand.
The story is very character driven (an aspect of the "Changeling" game that I always liked) and what we do (or don't do) can have a profound effect on the outcome of certain key events.
It's challenging because it involves a lot of creative thinking since we have to rely more on our character's personality, motives, and abilities rather than just the "idiot dice" to determine outcomes.
Back in RL, still haven't found a suitable place to move to. Made more difficult as a lot of places require an application fee (non refundable of course), and payment of first./last/security (which is more than I can afford on what I earn) to move in. Where I am, we are still dealing with a depressed economy for the "average Joe/Jane" so one would think there would be a few deals to take advantage of. Not so, because of all the "gentrification" that has been going on here in the city which has turned once affordable apartment houses into corporate owned "vintage" condos catering to upscale professionals.
Really don't want to deal with the "joy" of having roomies again especially when I don't know them beforehand and don't want to move out to 'burbs" (where most of the gangs have been pushed out to). My commute is already bad enough the way it is.and I'm not into packing heat just so I can get home from the bus stop every evening.
Eggs eggs eggs eggs...
Not sure if I want to reinstall AoE3 right away or not. Still having a bit of fun with CivIV (hufuhu... I always cringe when the game says "Ghandi adopts slavery!" XD ) *ahem* and as well revisiting some missions in HeroesM&M3;. So much fun.
Hm,,, I dunno if I like RTS or TTS better. On the one side, RTS's focus on micro-management a lot more it seems than TTS's (Never been more apparent then when playing Warcraft III and C&C.), while TTS's seem to take a lot longer to finish than a similar match in a RTS. They also seem more laid back in that you can be doing something else while playing it. I often find myself playing Halo, FFTactics, and HoMM at the same time.
Either way, be they Real-Time Strategy or Turn-Taking Strategy, I suck at both but have fun playing them. I just can't do it competitively ^_^
I used to dislike TTS games for some reason. I think Baldur's Gate started that and I refused to play games like Civilization when it said they were turn-taking. Once I played Age of Wonders my feelings towards such games changed, though I still found it hard to play Fallout (Which uses a similar engine to BG and IWD.) and gave up pretty quickly.
last night of my vacation to sleep late tomorrow.
needz some Lexx & eva haberman episode therapy
my new favorite eva picture :)
Dead Shark in a box for lunch. Ya know I don't wanna complain all the time but the minute I went outside the Sun went and hid behind some grey clouds ;)
We all get a bit grumpy when we work to long.
Funny, I must be the black sheep here then (In more ways than one >_> ) because I start to get grumpy when I haven't been working. ^_^
My days (Er... Nights) have been reduced to two a week so that's given me more time to be grumpy D:
Clearly I need a break before burnout is all that's left, has been an intense few months :)
Back in RL, still haven't found a suitable place to move to. Made more difficult as a lot of places require an application fee (non refundable of course), and payment of first./last/security (which is more than I can afford on what I earn) to move in. Where I am, we are still dealing with a depressed economy for the "average Joe/Jane" so one would think there would be a few deals to take advantage of. Not so, because of all the "gentrification" that has been going on here in the city which has turned once affordable apartment houses into corporate owned "vintage" condos catering to upscale professionals.
Really don't want to deal with the "joy" of having roomies again especially when I don't know them beforehand and don't want to move out to 'burbs" (where most of the gangs have been pushed out to). My commute is already bad enough the way it is.and I'm not into packing heat just so I can get home from the bus stop every evening.
Same in my neighbourhood, everything is turning into upscale apartments and townhouses ;)
Went to work today. It was okay. I was allowed to bring home a vanilla frosty. by time I got home it was partly melted. I put it on the table and got a glass and a can of A&W root beer to make a float. Micah jumped on the table knocking over the frosty. I was able to save most of it for my shake. Micah and Melody offered to pick up the vanilla frosty that was on the table. I put Gabrielle on the table in case she wanted to help clean up the spilled frosty.
I finally got my movie coupon home. the manager who worked tonight said that recently some movie theater had some dude come in and shoot a bunch of movie goers.
Same in my neighbourhood, everything is turning into upscale apartments and townhouses ;)
...yeah, all this upscale carp taking away good basic affordable housing. Add to that the extensive background and credit checks these property management corporations put you through that make you feel like you are applying for a high level government security clearance, and it's no wonder homelessness is so endemic here. The red tape is even worse for those so called "low income" places which I could (and should) easily qualify for.
I don't make a whole lot, but I still earn an adequate enough salary and have a stable work history (17 years with the same company) yet because I may have missed a bill payment here or there five years ago, I could still find myself on the street (of course after paying their non-refundable application fee). A sad testament to the greed of today's society.
...and many of the properties these developers own were bought for a song.
However, may have found a suitable place. Big 1 bedroom flat in a converted house that includes a gas fireplace (nice when winter comes). Rent is within my price range and most utilities save for electrics are included (including yard care).
The bonus, it has a porch, a yard, and a full service market only a couple blocks away..
Not too terribly far from where I am now and even on the same bus line I ride. Used to live in the area when I first moved here years ago so am familiar with the surrounding neighbourhood.
All I need to do now is find some way to come up with the 500$ deposit to secure the place.
Melody is saying Mer a lot recently not a full meow but a half a meow
I can see the cats from my desk. Melody and Micah are doing okay. Gabrielle is not moving. i hope she is just taking a nap. Poor thing keeps getting woken up from her naps because i am afraid she might just fade away like her other litter mates.