Little help for a scripting newb please
i have an idea i want to achieve and i wonder if you can help me.
its relatively simple
i would like a script that adds a camera to a scene pointing in the same direction as the active view, names it a specific name and sets a specific focal length. from there i would be able to workout everything else i need it to do
any help is appreciated thanks :)
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The Create>New Camera already lets you copy the active view - what more are you wishing?
to have the cameras set up how i want them almost as if they are presets for various camera settings i go to regulary .
the existing camera preset system does not work for how i want to do it as it gets rid of any other cameras in the scene so its a bit of a cross between the 2 so it needs to be a script.
Well, you can hold down the ctrl/cmd key while double-clickign a preset to choose to keep the current camera(s) and add those from the preset.
I have a couple of older (DS3) scripts relating to cameras that may help with getting the current camera, after that it's mostly crteating the new camera in the same place and then applying the settings tyou desire. The code for getting the current camera looked like this:
thanks ill give it a try
i dont know if it was supposed to do something when executed but it says it ran okay but it didnt create a new camera or do anything that i saw.
what i need is the script equivilent of create new camera using active view so that new camera shows up in the scene pane, Name that camera what ever name then set the focal length of that camera to 50mm.
As soon as it does that when i hit execute and that is working then i can see the format of the code and modify it for the rest of things i want to set.
i can then go through each parameter setting it how i like it and it will be a case of run the script and it adds my camera to the scene
Cancel that i have found another way around it I appreciate you trying to help. thank you
It was showing how to get the current camera/view, so that you have a source for the position to apply to your new camera.