Can't login to DIM (Solved)

chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,798

For the last couple of days I have been unable to login to DIM (64 bit v It just says "Unable to login to the specified account. Verify the email and/or password and try again." Needless to say, I've double- and triple-checked my email and password and they are correct, I've not got caps lock on or anything silly like that. I can log in to the website, but DIM won't let me in.

Is anyone else getting this problem? Previous threads that mention it all seem to point to server-side issues.

Post edited by chris-2599934 on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,393

    Apparently there's been a security update to the server and if you have a simple or short password you need to update it.

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,798
    Leana said:

    Apparently there's been a security update to the server and if you have a simple or short password you need to update it.

    Ah, that seems to have done it. Passwords now need to be at least 7 characters long, my old one was 6 characters. The website was still happy with it, but DIM wasn't.

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