Creating clothing/props - how to and with what?

Hi everyone,
First I begin with a huge apology! I am sure that somehwere this topic has been dealt with but I've tried my best to find the answers (whilst sitting at work) and can't seem to quite get to the parts I want so please accept this humble apology if I've wasted anyones time.
I am currently progressing from novice to intermediate with Daz and I'm still considering myself a beginner with blender. I am trying to create my own characters with their own clothes and props from various mythological eras.
I would like to create original, garments, weapons and various mythic creatures and I'm just trying to find out how best to start and with what programme. YouTube doesn't seem to be offering a huge amount of help when i type in "Creating clothing in blender" but maybe it's how I'm using it.
My question firstly is :- If I can afford Z-brush is it more straightforward and ultimately more ideal for creating clothes/props/hair and figures than blender? I like blender and I know some peoples results are fantastic but will I save myself time and give myself more versatility in the long run by buying z-brush now? Is it more compatible with genesis figures in Daz?
In terms of using blender now, how do i import a basic genesis mannequin into blender so that I can create custom clothing? Are there any really good tutorials on this that people could suggest?
Thanks in advance for the patience and help.
To create a mannequin, zero the figure in DAZ Studio (although there are ways around it, if possible it's best to model around the base shape) and export as OBJ. make a note of the preset you used as you will want to use the same one for loading the clothes, in order for the scale to match.
Whether ZBrush or Blender is easier for clothes modelling is a matter of taste - there are PAs who do both, along with a wide range of other tool sets, and there's no "right" answer.
You might try searching for model Blender rather than a generic model clothes in Blender as your search term. trying that with shirt as the item turned up quite a few hits.
posting issues ...
Buried somewhere in "Nuts 'n Bolts" [accessible from top links when 'in' the Commons] are a few clothing tutorial threads. Mine tend to use Hexagon but there are also some using Blender. Blender can do lots of stuff so that's certainly a program with which you can make clothing and characters for D/S and/or Poser with.
Note that the instructions [guidelines, hints, tips, etc] for modeling most creations can cross program platforms. An idea is an idea. Different programs might approach the same task differently and Blender is constantly being updated whereas Hexagon isn't. However Hexagon is a great tool to have in the toolbox esp. for morphing IMHO. It has a bridge to D/S :-)
Model with quads.
Do not use Booleans.
Create all mesh 'from scratch' ... [i.e. can copy one's own mesh, but not the Genesis mesh to make clothing, etc.]
Yes a clothing mannequin is needed. From D/S, load a grey Genesis. Export out the .obj. Only needs to be "one" piece.
Whatever your export/import settings are; The clothing .obj which would be imported into D/S to make the D/S clothing file with, 'MUST' land on Genesis properly on import.
Thank you for the replies, I much appreciate it.
I suppose you are right about taste. There are people creating astonishing things in blender so may be I should continue down that path.......especially as its free!
When I go into shops and see magazines it always seems as though zbrush gets so much more press that it sways me into thinking there will be more community support and tutorials for it.
I will try and export genesis into it and make a start on what will hopefully be some nice props and garments.
Thanks again!
If you look inside the magazines you will often find that ZBrush is being used to detail a base model made in another application - Blender, or Maya, or modo, or any of half-a-dozen or more others. It's not impossible to do everything in ZBrush these days, of course, and some people do, but it certainly isn't a universal route even when ZBrush contributes. If you want to try the ZBrush approach, have a look at the sculpting tools in Blender or try the free Sculptris, also from Pixologic.
This was a great start for me, however primitives can be limiting, even with independent xyz scaling of the parts.
Just stop when you get to the save part, as you don't need to export something from Daz Studio, just to re import it, as I was trying to do. They can be 'save as' -> 'Scene subset'.
For much more complicated things like cloths and from-scratch figure shapes, another program all together is better. I've just started so I'm sticking with changing textures of existing shapes, and them primitive things.
"O" it was this one that was talking about exporting things, in any case. B.C. (Before Coffee)
hello everyone pls forgive me if i have put this in the wrong place. i have always wanted to make my own letter props now i have seen a few that really are nice but the ones i wanted is more of a graffti syle prop, the problem is i dont know what programs im to use to turn it into the format to become a prop for daz3d, the only 3d program i have At this time is photoshop cs6 which lets me create a 3d graffti text but thats as far as i got, i dont even know what to do as far as exporting it so i just saveed my work. i was going to try blender but have no idea if thats what i need will it let me save it to daz were i can click and load it as a prop? ive heard thru different ppl that hexigon i believe would do that but again i have no idea so i figured why not ask the pros.
This one gives good result, if you manage to transfer your font to ttf before:
If you don't have any 3D modelling skills (ZBrush, Blender etc...), this tool might be interesting:
It seems to be a quick way to create clothes.
Tutorials can be found on Youtube.