when you apply D-former after pozing Actor, D-former field keep zero positon.
it cause many difficulity to adjust the influence.
please save your scene to re-produce easy,,
1. memorize figure poze. (select your Actor) (from top menu>edit>figure )
2. delete current D-fomer base and field from hair.
3 set zero figure poze. (Actor)
4 apply D-former again. (select Hair)
5 restore figure poze (select your Actor)
Though the influenced field should be different positon, but you may find it ,then adjust the filed positon.
Then,, now you can color and adjust d-former weight as you like (By node weight map tool) too.
You can use a DForm on the hair to push it away.
Thank you,Totte.
I still don't know anything about "De-form" tool... :red:
May I ask? Where I can start with?
Is this what you are talking about?
Yes thats it!
Thank you very much.
I will try to learn it harder......
Something strange happens!
The yellow mesh does not appear!
How come?
PS: As first image.
It is the scene I am going to D-form.
The second image is normal.
when you apply D-former after pozing Actor, D-former field keep zero positon.
it cause many difficulity to adjust the influence.
please save your scene to re-produce easy,,
1. memorize figure poze. (select your Actor) (from top menu>edit>figure )
2. delete current D-fomer base and field from hair.
3 set zero figure poze. (Actor)
4 apply D-former again. (select Hair)
5 restore figure poze (select your Actor)
Though the influenced field should be different positon, but you may find it ,then adjust the filed positon.
Then,, now you can color and adjust d-former weight as you like (By node weight map tool) too.
Thank you,kitakoredaz.
You are right.
I zero the figure's pose then the d-form back to normal.