My Genesis 8 ears are square.

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,301

[My Genesis 8 ears are square] How do I make them rounder?

I thought I bought some HD textures and morphs for Genesis 8 but I can't seem to locate them.

Is there a Genesis 8 skin upgrade?

I don't mean skin from another character but HD skin made specifically for Genesis 8.

A lot of characters have HD dials that accompany the other dial for a character, how do I get an HD dial for Genesis 8?

I turn up the HD dial and not much seems to happen to Genesis 8.

I assume the HD dials for other characters also work for Genesis 8 but I was wondering if there is an HD dial designed specifically for Genesis 8?

Oh, and the ear thing for Genesis 8, how do I make them rounder?

Thanks in advance. :) 


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Without a picture it is difficult to say for sure, but it sounds as though your figure is loading at base resolution. If you look in the Parameters tab with the figure selected, check under Resolution Level to see if it is set to High Resolution.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    RexRed said:
    I thought I bought some HD textures and morphs for Genesis 8 but I can't seem to locate them.

     Do you install your new stuff through Connect, DIM, or manually? And where are you looking? Check your Product Library page if you're not sure what you have.

    RexRed said:

    I don't mean skin from another character but HD skin made specifically for Genesis 8.

    A lot of characters have HD dials that accompany the other dial for a character, how do I get an HD dial for Genesis 8?

    No such thing, you're looking at it the wrong way round. Textures and morphs — whether HD or not — for G8 characters are originally made to work on the G8 figure itself.

    RexRed said:

    I turn up the HD dial and not much seems to happen to Genesis 8.

    HD morphs are, as it says on the tin, "high" definition, they work because the polygons of the mesh are being subdivided. If you select a G8 figure in your scene, and look at the Parameters pane, General>Mesh Resolution, the Subdivision Level and Render SubD Level parameters set how many times it's subdivided.

    You're not seeing any difference because the default value for the Viewport is 1, which is not enough to show an HD morph. Nudge this up to 3 or 4 (NOT ANY HIGHER!!!) and you should see what the HD morphs actually do.

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