Script or something to fast save poses?

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
edited September 2020 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)


I have now 2 Pose sets which I wanna "resave", the one is the Armchair pose which i mentioned somewhere (which requires the armchair).

And now did I got this:

Which have sadly not the expressions as one click included, its only as Bodypose, splitted in top & co, but not for Face only.

Is there away to save it fast via some script as expressions?


Edit: Omegalol....

I just bought poses *crying*....


Well.... that is... sad :( I assumed it have the emotes from the promos ;(


So... IF, I grab now also the emotes... is there a way to combine them? that when I load the angry pose the face also gets angry? arghhh why do they make such a Promo and bait me ;( thats not fair :(

(and no I dont wanna give it back) I am just sad :/

Post edited by Loony on


  • File>Save As>Pose Preset should let you save the combined pose (though Ithink beng able to mix-and-match is a major part of the pint for the product).

    If you are wanting to batch load the sitting poses (which I assume are currently H Pose files - Hierarchical Pose presets) and save them as plain poses for the base fgure I'm not sure there is an off-the-shelf option.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    And there is no script like the Clothes converters where I could do that maybe? (I did one day convert ALL G8F clothes into G8M, did take over 2hours^^... but now can I use all (old) clothes for my man, but I think I converted also a lot that I will never use... I assume its better to only convert that what I really wanna use^^).

    Like the Fatal Strangers emotes are all only accessable via Dials, not per 1click, would love to convert them so I can onclick them on my male.


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