Changing a mesh origin position to a new location



So i have a daz model that is at lets say x y z = 0 50 0.  But whenever i try to rotate it with the rotation widget in the viewport the widget is not on the model it might be at lets say 0 0 0.  When i try to rotate along any axis the widget location or origin is the pivot point and so the model does rotate to whatever new orientation i input, but it also makes a huge arc across the space so it also does a bit of translating which i have to adjust for.  How do i change it so that when i try to rotate a model the rotate widget in the viewport is on top of the model.  That way when i try to rotate the model  it will rotate in place?




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,625

    This happens if the figure is translated using the hip (or whatever the base bone is) and the rotation is performed with the figure node. Generally placement is doen with the figure node and the hip is used only to keep the feet on the floor or for correct psitioning in a multi-figure pose - that is how store poses should work. I would therefore suggest seelcting the hip, Edit>Copy>Copy Selected Item(s), then zero it (Edit>Zero>Zero Selected Item(s) Pose), select the figure, paste the pose (Edit>Paste>Paste Pose to Selected Item(s)).

  • I couldnt get that to work but while i was messing with it i saw that the model has different rotation widgets depending on if i click the model in the scene tab, the hip or any of the other bones under the hip.  So i got an idea and i selected each bone until i found one that had the rotation widget right on top of the model and i'm just using that the rotate the model now.  Not sure if it made a difference but the model was a piece of clothing, a tactical leg holster that goes onto a thigh. I dont think its specific to the vendor that made the item because i checked another leg holster made by someone else and it did the same thing too.  Usually when i do stuff like this its with pieces of clothing and not the character itself.  Could that be a reason why the copy>zero>paste stuff didnt work?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,625

    If the holster was parented it shoudl move with the figure, but if it was fitted then it would have te same offset between hip and root as the figure (which is what the copy/zero/paste steps needed to be appled to). But if you were essentially  wanting to rotate part of the model then yes, yo'd want to select the relevant bone (always assuming it is set up with one).

  • If the holster was parented it shoudl move with the figure, but if it was fitted then it would have te same offset between hip and root as the figure (which is what the copy/zero/paste steps needed to be appled to). But if you were essentially  wanting to rotate part of the model then yes, yo'd want to select the relevant bone (always assuming it is set up with one).


    Originally i had the holster parented to the figure, but in some poses part of the holster deformed.  So i took one holster and hid the deformed parts and kept the good parts on the figure.  I added a duplicate holster and did the reverse and hid the dupe parts that were visible from the other holster and i kept the dupe parts that i had to hide on the other holster.  I didn't parent the dupe holster to the figure so it was able to stay rigid and undeformed like it was supposed to.  This was only for a still picture and not an animation so even though it took a bit more work i'm ok with it.


    But as a general tip i was just wondering if there was an easier way to rotate a prop or piece of clothing that isnt parented to a figure. Rotate like i mentioned before where it just pivots in place with little or no x-y-z translation.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,625

    In most cases it should, as long as it hasn't been moved via a bone that is a child of the thing you want to rotate by. If you do have issues, and can't just rearrange the posing as above, you have two main options:

    • use the Joint Editor tool (Tools menu) to move the centre point
    • add a new Null (Create menu),select the thing you wish to rotate around, then the Null, and use the Align pane to centre the null on the item. You can then use the Null as a proxy to rotate the item.
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