Genesis 8 Female Face Morphs are missing

I cant see the face morph
G8 Male morphs are ok.
How can i fix that?

155 x 327 - 10K


  • Which morphs do you have installed?

  • its base G8 Basic Female.
    Face shapes seems disable
    I checked again G8Male , i cant see face morphs too

    (like "suprised","angry", "O", "A","F")

    776 x 663 - 55K
  • Which pane are you in? Those are posing sldiers, not shaping. It's best to check the parameetrs pane, which shows everything, rather than one of the panes showing only a selection of properties.

  • it was shape pane

    833 x 948 - 74K
  • And as I said the proeprties you are looking for would be pose controls, so try the Posing pane

  • Ah forgive me :D
    Thanks a lot.

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