hijab and abaya for V4 and Genesis 2 female

Just a suggestion for any fine digital artist to create a hijab and abaya set for V4 and Genesis 2 (or either one).
An abaya, being essentially a robe, should be similar to a kimona in difficulty I would guess.
A hijab is a big, thick scarf that goes around the head.
Hair poke-through would be the chief headache here. Possibly could be solved by including bits of hair (that show from under the scarf (hijab)) into the product, so then one would remove V4's or Genesis 2's hair before applying the hijab. But then you would have to include all the hair colors; black, brown, blonde, and the mod colors such as green, blue, red, pink, etc.
(In some Islamic countries, it is against the law for ANY hair to be seen outside the hijab. In that case, that would simplify things... to fit V4 or Genesis to a hijab, simpy remove her hair from the scene and apply the hijab... Anyway, again, just a suggestion.)
Just let me know when it comes out. :-)
i think the real difficulty will lie in posing. controlling poke-throughs will be a pain especially for the hijab
also, it won't look very realistic if it's not dynamic