Forcing fiberhair brows to autofollow pose morphs?

Hi guys,

Hope you're all well, healthy and safe. I'm mucking about with the iClone facial mapping key for G3M. I got it to work by dragging some keyframes around, cause their .duf is disaligned. Anyhow the process relies on using their own set of .dsf to control parts of the face rig. (Raise inner eyebrow left etc.) But when I apply some fiberhair brows they don't autofollow their .dsf in contrast to, in this example, "Pose Controls > Head > Brow > Brow Inner Up-Down Left". 

Is there a way of setting up a (set of) controllers to force the eyebrows to behave as they do with the official pose controls for third party poses?

The oddest thing is I'm finding no indication anywhere on the eyebrow prop that it is in any way controlled by anything?? No hidden parameters, no sub-components or controllers in the parameters... The brows are "Fit To" G3M, maybe that's why...? I dunno.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks so much. All my best



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056

    you will probably have to manually apply a pose on the timeline to them to bake a slider for 3DXchange

    I have to do this for the figures without facial bones where such as genesis, V4 etc, with beards for Genesis 3&8 you can use the facial bones in expression editor but morphs need to be baked

  • Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for the answer. So you mean apply similar poses to them but from the Brow Pose Control, following the same sequence as the facial mapping sequence, then importing the brow prop into 3DX on its own? I had planned on simply mocapping in iClone without brows and then port the facial animation back into Daz for rendering. Could I replace and rename their .dsf with their corresponding official ones and use them to recreate the sequence? Or will that mess things up with the expression editor in 3DX? I could give it a shot and report back.

    I'm glad you brought up beards cause I usually use a G2M beard prop that I Auto-Fit to my G3M but they have a hard time conforming, even static, leaving bald spots on the chin or jaw, or misaligning the moustache part. I was wondering how i'd tackle that. So I do the same for my beard prop?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056
    edited April 2020

    you can tack a pose at the end on the brows and zero it the frame before

    timing with the sequence harder

    just as long as you can get the morph to appear on it in expression editor so you can edit there manually 

    no need to bother with it if bringing back into DAZ studio though but I have never gotten a facial animation back into DAZ studio so that's interesting, I only have iClone6 pipeline though

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Uh oh... do facial morphs not export?? I just bought the Live Face thing yesterday...Damn lemme check that real quick...

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056

    Uh oh... do facial morphs not export?? I just bought the Live Face thing yesterday...Damn lemme check that real quick...

    DAZ does not import Blendshapes

  • Okay, it definitely doesn't work. Dammit.

    Why on earth does Daz cnot import blendshapes?? What can possibly be the logic behind that?

    Also thanks for answering, dont know if I'll ask for a refund now or diaspora all my assets to iClone... probably refund (lazy)


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056
    edited April 2020

    Okay, it definitely doesn't work. Dammit.

    Why on earth does Daz cnot import blendshapes?? What can possibly be the logic behind that?

    Also thanks for answering, dont know if I'll ask for a refund now or diaspora all my assets to iClone... probably refund (lazy)


    well you can use the live link to Unreal Engine and the free Octane render plugin
    just not HD only base sadly

    DAZ studio does not import much at all besides static mesh to be honest

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Hmm. I'll look into that. Thanks, Wendy!

  • For hair products on the face, first, over on the Parameters Tab one can select the applicable areas of the head, right-click to select/enter Edit Mode, and then find the option to 'auto-follow' ... THEN apply the hair products. They should then be moving with the face muscles.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056

    For hair products on the face, first, over on the Parameters Tab one can select the applicable areas of the head, right-click to select/enter Edit Mode, and then find the option to 'auto-follow' ... THEN apply the hair products. They should then be moving with the face muscles.

    exporting to FBX is a whole other story

    what you can do in DAZ studio does not always export unless baked

  • Hi again,

    sorry for the late reply. was trying it out in practice before asking more questions. I transfered everything over using the Character Creator Pipeline (Transformer tool). I labeled all the body hair as cloth so it would stick to the body (???); and when I pose the character the body hairs do actually pose along with it, so that's good. But facial hair is another story. Once I record some facial mocap, everything just goes to crap.


    How would you go about "baking" the morphs onto the beard and/or eyebrows? I'm not sure I even know where to start. I have 3DXchange too (and the facial mapping sequence for G3M), the fbx was just waaay to heavy with all them body hairs, but I don't need to convert them again so...

    Is there a tut you could recommend perhaps?

    Thanks so much


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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056
    edited April 2020

    well I am only on iClone 6 and don't obviously own the facial mocap as it is not compatible so not a lot of help to you

    I would not even try importing body hairs into iClone TBH

    I am totally unfamiliar with the way you use DAZ people in iC7 too as I cannot use CC3 either

    I can only import via 3DX6



    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Alright, well it was worth a shot.

    Thanks, Wendy!



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,056

    I do have something I do that might or might not help though

    again not using iC7 not sure

    I use bone mapped facial animation instead of morphs as it has less overheads especially going to UE4

    I have in expression editor painstakingly created my own presets for retargetting and loading facial mapping that does not use the duf preset

    I export single frame FBX no animation from DAZ studio for it

    you need to untick and apply a T pose to Genesis 8 with it which I included
    mine all have arms out to avoid clipping clothes too

    1 genesis 3 and 8 bone for rigged
    1 Genesis 3 and 8 bone
  • For hair products on the face, first, over on the Parameters Tab one can select the applicable areas of the head, right-click to select/enter Edit Mode, and then find the option to 'auto-follow' ... THEN apply the hair products. They should then be moving with the face muscles.

    exporting to FBX is a whole other story

    what you can do in DAZ studio does not always export unless baked

    Is it ever another whole other story!!! Tried exporting and then importing back in the fbx for a default figure, and egaads, all the bones were outside of the body!

  • Omg, Wendy, that's awesome. Above and beyond. Thanks so much. surprise

    Not sure I can use it for facial mocap though, I think that truly does rely on morphs. Unless there's something I'm missing (most probable) it says the character has insufficient expression data or something and to fix it in 3DXchange. 

    I can faff around with it a bit more though. Cause I kind of rushed thru it.


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