Dual Wield poses for Rapiers of Legend

Been working on a pose set for V6 and the Rapiers of Legend. Including hand and prop poses and a Main Gauche morph for the
Rapiers. My first proposal to daz was rejected, they like the main Gauche morph idea but were not too excited about the poses I put with the set. I'm thinking of adding a fencing buckler prop to the set and would also like feed back of what kinds of poses people would find useful. full combat 1vs1 type poses? 1vs2?,3?4?. technically correct fencing poses or more fantasy type with flourishes?
Any feedback would be appreciated.

1080 x 720 - 135K
Hmm... I love the Dual Weld idea but would it not be a better idea if the poses were for say Genesis 1, so they could be used on both male and female figures with a bit of adjusting, and if they were not prop specific? As a Drow in my 3D life (I think it's just 3D life) I'm a natural Dual welding type and finding pre-made sets is few and far between.
Just asking. I'm in favor of any and all Dual weld sets.
I know where you are coming from. My long term plan is to have many versions of Dual Wield pose sets, Each one would be useable with any props but would also have the bonus of being focused on a particular "iconic" prop set. A prop set made for Generation 4 for instance, I plan to include hand and prop poses for Generation 5 or 6. By focusing on a single prop set I can have 1 v 1 poses with attacks and parries that would not need to be adjusted because every prop would hold differently on the hands. But still have the option of using other props and making fine adjustments to them.
I am beginning to think that this will be rather hard to sell in the marketplace because it is more like blending two 1/2 products into one. It may be easier for me to sell this as two separate products. Perhaps a morph and texture set for the Rapiers of Legend that includes hand and prop poses for Generation5 and 6 as one product and a pose set for Dual Wielding Rapiers as another set with an optional bundle would be better. So many good props in the marketplace already, I don't think I need to make any new ones but add more utility to ones that are already there.(or at least until my own modeling skills will be comparable to them)
Very nice info. You hit all points I could ask about or for. I just wish to say keep at it and I'm looking forward to the sets you are thinking of.