Error render. GPU unaivalable

Firsdt thing first, Hello Everyone and sorry for the poor English.

I'm using Daz Studio and sometime my render crash. It happen when there is too many characters iun the same render. I can deal with it even if it's annoying. But when I looked in the "advenced" pannel of the render settings, I see the CPU but not my GPU.

I looked at other subject, so I took a look at the the log files and saw that that my CUDA drivers were not installed. So I did it. But the problem remain.

I saw that CUDA cannot find an engine, my GPU I guess, who is compatible with it.

So here is my questions, and I can be a really dumb one : Do I must have a NVidia GPU to make it work ? 

Because, when I'm going to "help", "troubleshooting" I can see my Card but not in the advanced pannel.


Here are my CPU and GPU model :

CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core

Processor 3.7 GHz

8.00 Go


GPU : AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series


Thanks all !



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    You need an Nvidia GPU

  • Alright ! Thanks for the answer.

    Question seems a bit dumb but I'm really not experienced.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    no problems,   There is no such thing as a stupid question,  but you can get some stupid answers.   LOL

    I can't help you with which GPU you need,   as I don't actually use DS

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