Error 0xc00007b


I'ld like install DAZ Studio, but i can't start it...

At each start, i have an 0xc00007b error. I have try to use a program for define the problem and...
The .exe search the dll files in the DAZ folder. 

I need help please T-T

( i think you'ld notice : i'm french, so please, easy words <3 )


  • What video card/GPU do you have? Which driver version?

  • Hi, sorry for waiting ! :p

    I have a GTX 1050 and an i5 9600K, i've already verified the drivers. They are the lasts edited.

    And, my bad, it was DAZ install manager, not DAZ studio.

    I have dl DAZ studio and it works, but I'ld like install it with DIM.

  • I thought 0x00007b was usually a display driver issue, which wouldn't be likely to affect DIM. Are you launching DIM directly, or are you using one of the Download and Install links from a page in your product library?

  • hi ! Thanks all for your answers :)

    Richard, I tried to launch DIM directly with shorcut, and from a page of my product library. The both issues have the same results : error 0xc000007b.

    Fishtales, I checked it.... No results :'(
    Usually, I have no problems with install. I use Blender, Unreal Engine 4, Gimp.... And DAZ studio.
    Maybe my graphic card isn't enough "strong" for this ? :'(


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