Modular Ruins.

DMackeyDMackey Posts: 46
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

Not sure if anyone has thought of this and posted.
I have Stonemason's City Ruins

It would be nice if there was something similar but in a modular set.
It would allow artist to create buildings with missing floors, broken windows,
rubble and such. Kind of like if you combined the Abandoned city with City Ruins
but made it totally modular.

I know I'd use the heck out of it.

P.S. Stonemason you have created some awesome products.


  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    Stonemason has mad a Modular Ruins set already.

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272
    edited December 1969

    I am also a fan of scenes based on "ruins". If you do a search, you get many dozens of scenes here at DAZ, with about 20 by Stonemason. I'm embarassed to admit I own most of them. And have recently been testing various combinations for an upcoming video contest.

    The closest to a modular building "ruins" may be this, by The AntFarm, another of my favorite vendors here at DAZ:

  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited April 2014

    There are sets of modular ruins floating around on Renderosity and RDNA-- on RDNA there's a Malay-type ruin set (The Khmer Temple Construction Set) on the Spring Thaw Deep Freeze sale for 85% off.
    On Renderosity 3DC (3DCheapskate) has several construction sets-- only some are modular (though a lot of the ones with boned buildings have separate material zones for each wall and ceiling) For only today his Apocalypta Megapack is 50% off, BTW.
    To my knowledge however, all of these modular and semi-modular construction sets on the two sites are rather dated, though, and it's not like you can ever have enough Stonemason (well, unless your comp runs out of memory)

    If you do a search, you get many dozens of scenes here at DAZ, with about 20 by Stonemason. I’m embarassed to admit I own most of them.
    How is that embarrassing?

    Post edited by IceEmpress on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited April 2014

    With these sets and some clever use you can pretty much Ruin any modern City.
    And as they are Stonemason sets they drop right in to his other sets perfectly.

    TIP: Learn the Polygon Group Editor Tool, then you can Cut other sets and add some of these sets any place you like. You will need to do some texture work some times but 3D art always takes some work.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    I'd like something similar, but with modular wreckage sections for ships - of the ocean-going and space-based variety. Dreamlight turned one of Stonemason's 'Urban Future' sets into something rusted and I'd like to see that kind of aesthetic for internal corridors. Broken, twisted metal for space hulks and/or vessels which have capsized in the water and sunk.

    Imagine the new underwater camera and shader stuff we've got, with divers swimming or astronauts jetting through them, spooky flashlights in hand... Sections where the hulls have blown out to the side, letting starlight or marine wildlife show through from the outside. Think 'The Abyss' and more.

  • DMackeyDMackey Posts: 46
    edited December 1969

    I have all the Stonemason ruin and rubble plus his ruined city and abandon city
    what I'm really looking for is a way to say add floors with holes in them to the buildings

    I'm going to try my hand at a post apocalyptic graphic novel.
    You can only change the angle on a scene so many times before
    the reader starts to see the similarity.

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