Is it supposed to render this long?

Wth the newest it supposed to render this long?

My old Daz3.1 rendered much faster.


And is this iray, whatever it is, optional?  (and what IS it, anyhow?)



  • Took 23 minutes to render one picture, as opposed to the minute or so with the old Daz3.1

    What gives?

  • JamesJABJamesJAB Posts: 1,760

    The render engine combined with simpler lighting and surface materials of the old Daz Studio version = faster renders on the same hardware.

    With the modern versions of Daz studio you can select from either Iray or 3Delight as your render engine.  keep in mind that with Iray you do not need to let the render run until completion.  You can stop an Iray render at any time and save it if you like how it looks.

    The best way too speed up your Iray rendering is to add a Nvidia Geforce graphics card into your computer.  (the reccomendation is a card with 8GB or more of RAM)

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