refresh parameters

Hi, I just installed a Expression pack and could refresh my Lib, but what about the Parameters, is it possible to load the new dials without closing the Software, because the scene takes some minutes and its something I have sometimes, so would be good to know for future too.


  • Reloading the figure should be enough.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    how can I reload a figure and will that change anything in the scene?


  • Well, save (to be safe) then try reapplying the character preset used by the figure - though if your system is like mine it may be quicker to reload, for some reason character presets take an age to load.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    oh hmmm no that would not work, I save my chars complete dressed as Scene subset.

    So I dont think that would work :/

  • Applying the preset would not affect the clothing. It mght affect pose and shape, so Edit>Copy, but that should be all.

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