Dear Daz 4.12, please stop using my CPU

Seriously, what gives??

When I animate Frames 1-5, Frame 1 uses GPU.

Every. Single. Frame. After that uses the CPU. 


  • Try the Public Build, that has made some changes to the way resources are handled which are intended to reduce the frequency with which animations drop to CPU (it also has an option to disbale CPU fallback).

  • DefaultNameDefaultName Posts: 388

    Try the Public Build, that has made some changes to the way resources are handled which are intended to reduce the frequency with which animations drop to CPU (it also has an option to disbale CPU fallback).

    I will, thank you Richard!

  • DefaultNameDefaultName Posts: 388

    Try the Public Build, that has made some changes to the way resources are handled which are intended to reduce the frequency with which animations drop to CPU (it also has an option to disbale CPU fallback).

    Hi again Richard. I'm a little confused, I tried to install this via the DIM, but there's nothing showing. I don't know how I would go about updating this safely since I've never had to. I don't want to lose things I'm working on, scenes, etc.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,077


    Beta versions are independent of the Release versions of Studio. The beta versions will have a common content library, which is independent of the Studio software installation.

    Is it possible that your anti-virus software is interfering?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,945

    You first have to "purchase" the beta in the store. It is free, but you have to add it to your cart and checkout with it. Then in DIM you have to enable the Download Filter for the Public Build.

  • vukiolvukiol Posts: 66

    Same here, after 2 months with new hardware enjoying the rtx power, suddenly with no reason, it started,

    beta version will not work, if you unpin the cpu fallback option, simply the render stops and there is no way to resume it...

    maybe time to uninstall


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,077


    Beta 109 has a new minimum version of the Nvidia GPU driver.

  • vukiolvukiol Posts: 66

    i dl the beta yesterday, so it should be the latest, unfortunatly my error is about the memory, cant remember the entire error log, its something like illegal memory...which is the bad of the related issues

    i have also just performed a sys image restore and i am testing a render just right now,

    if the usage of the gpu while rendering has not damaged the vram everything should work, crossig fingers


  • vukiolvukiol Posts: 66

    i dl the beta yesterday, so it should be the latest, unfortunatly my error is about the memory, cant remember the entire error log, its something like illegal memory...which is the bad of the related issues

    i have also just performed a sys image restore and i am testing a render just right now,

    if the usage of the gpu while rendering has not damaged the vram everything should work, crossig fingers


  • vukiolvukiol Posts: 66

    my thought is that the hw takes damages while rendering there are no other possibilities

    a complete system restore on a 2 months old pc should fix everything

    it dropped to cpu after 6000 iterations which is a good limit but i am pretty sure it will get soon worse and worse


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