How to use weight map influence in d-former

There are a lot of videos and tutorials that show how use the d-former using the sphere influence but is there anything out there that shows the step by step on how to use the weight map influence?  I would like to know how to dform a vertex selection.


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,553

    I don't know what's out there, but it is fairly simple to do. I tried it myself a few months ago and described it in this post. You basically add the deformer to the target, select the D-Former Field and change the Influence from Sphere to Weight-Map in the parameters pane. Select the Weight Map tool, and go to the Tool Settings pane. In the Weight Maps tab, there will be a drop-down list next to Unused Maps. There should only be the one, but select Influence Weights, then Add Map. The whole item should turn rainbow colored again (like when you first added the D-Former). Now you are ready to manipulate the Weight Map.

    You can change your selection type and mode with a right-click in the viewport -> Selection Type, Selection Mode. Right-click and select Geometry Selection -> Select All. Next right-click again and select Weight Editing -> Fill Selected. Enter 0.0% in the popup and accept, and you now have zero weight map influence. Next, you want to select the vertices you want to manipulate. For smooth areas, use the paint brush to gradually build up the target area from blue (low influence) to red (most influence) (alt-click to attenuate). You can add a smooth gradient or use spheres to get the effect you want. You'll need to experiment with the different methods, there's too many ways to do it to be brief (all weight map editing can be undone), but don't be afraid to ask for more details about a particular aspect.

    A top-level parameter controller called DForm is added for each D-Former, so you can rename them to something meaningful. It serves to adjust the overall effect of the D-Former so you can just dial in as much as you need.

    Have fun!

  • I found this useful thanks !

  • I thought I was going to have to build a rig for my prop but for simple use cases the D-Former with a weight map does just fine :)

  • Useful discussion - bookmarking by adding a post (is this allowed).

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,553

    Click the star across from the discussion name, either at the top of this page or in the forum discussion list. It will be included in "My Bookmarks" acessible from the gears icon in the corner.

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