What's wrong with the lighting?

AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

Hi all, Happy Easter, 

I set up this lighting months ago but I really like the drama I get with it. Strangley though when it's not completed rendering you get this strange discrpancy from one side to the other. 

I hope you can see in a screenshot. 

Anyone any idea why this might be. It's just spots, nothing strange. 



Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 16.54.27.png
1342 x 1112 - 931K
1069 x 1043 - 826K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • First, let it render a bit longer to see if it clears.

    If you're using the AI denoiser, try turning that off or increase the start sample level. I've gotten some weird results with having the denoiser set too low.

    Check the surfaces of the item in question. It might be that there are multiple surfaces with slightly different settings, even though it appears as one surface.


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